10 minutes of JWs at the door in Tract Work on YouTube.

by Open mind 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    If the householder's point was to influence the ladies' thinking, he could have used a better thought out approach. We expect JW's, who are blindly following the WTBTS and not well educated in the art of persuasion, to bumble through their project. We know it's going to be very challenging to crack the WT influence over a snowed JW. Any of us who said too much too soon to JW family and friends know this. Most JW's require subtle hints, across a period of time, to begin to really wake up. There was nothing subtle about this man's approach.

    I don't think the sisters were being arrogant. They sincerely believe God has sent them to this man's door to "save his life." I think he took them by surprise and they just didn't have time to think of how to react in a more tactful way.

  • sf

    Save their lives...{AS THEIR INSANE POLICIES kill their children}...LOLOLOLOL!!

    Please, spare us the boo fucking hoo crap, will ya?


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Well said FHN.

    Much more subtle, much more personal, and much more "I just can't see it, but I'd like to pet the paradise lions" would keep them coming back.

    A good subject, IMO, would be how can a God of love kill everyone at Armageddon but the JWs?


    JW: Oh, we don't know that. God is the judge.

    Householder: But don't you teach that what you're doing is a "life saving" work?

    JW: Well, yes.

    Householder: Well, I don't see how it can be "life saving" unless God really IS going to destroy the majority of mankind at Armageddon.

    JW: (Broken record) Well, like I said, God is the judge.

    Householder: Well, let me put it another way. If you were to start telling people in your church that you thought that maybe 1/2 of humanity COULD survive Armageddon, do you think your church leaders would be OK with that point of view?

    JW: Uhhh. I've got an appointment right now, but perhaps we can continue this conversation later. (Runs)


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