10 minutes of JWs at the door in Tract Work on YouTube.

by Open mind 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    <p>For your viewing pleasure.</p><p><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvYaOIlFMqw">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvYaOIlFMqw</a></p><p>om</p>

    Edited to add:

    This wasn't my creation. Sorry for giving that impression. And, oh crap, I'm using firefox from home and now i screwed up the YouTube link. Can someone re-post the link. If no one can, the title is "Jehovah's Witnesses come knocking".

  • purplesofa

    awwwwww LOL,

    she says, "Your Crazy!"


  • skeeter1

    Nice. The Society doesn't let the JWs know about the origins of the Bible in 200AD. The books that were voted in by priests, or the books that were omitted by priests. Then, the JWs take what the priests wrote in 200AD and call that the "be all and end all" of religion. Revelation is the utmost importance, and may not have been really written by an apostle, just like this post was written by a person who signed their name as William Clinton. So, is this Bill Clinton? Then the Society "adds to" the Bible by making a whole host of things as grave sins that makes one lose everlasting life when they were not in the day the Bible was supposedly written or when Christ was around...smoking, college, blood therapy, voting, beards, etc. This video looked like it was in South Florida area. Norfolk Island Pines gave it away. The oriental lady looked like she had a good heart, but the white chick was the typical hard-core JW....quick to talk and short on listening, even ready to sling an insult at someone who is questioning her and her religion. Which one was more "Jesus" like? William Clinton (aka Skeeter)

  • purplesofa
    The oriental lady looked like she had a good heart, but the white chick was the typical hard-core JW....quick to talk and short on listening, even ready to sling an insult at someone who is questioning her and her religion.

    Actually, although I lol'd at the film it was quite sad, and I agree about the oriental lady having a good heart. I felt sorry for her in that she was difficult to understand, I wondered if she was a bible study, just starting out. Door to Door skills are actually quite terrible. I remember emailing a friend of mine when all the stuff happened in CA after the child abuse settlements and it was aired on TV. I said people have seen this on TV and you will be going D2D, I think you should be prepared. I never heard back from her.

    They feel ok about what happened at the door as they were obeying the command to "preach the good news" but they preached no good news at all.

    The white lady wrote him off as crazy and closed the door forever for a RV unless she learns to be humble and can aplogize for her behaviour.


  • mavie

    Um. Wow.

    Not my style, but I got to hand it to you. I enjoyed the "Jehovah" at the very end.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I couldnt watch more than a minute. She reminds me of an older Japanese sister in my old congregation. Real sweet, but still difficult to understand after 40 years in this country. I always loved working with her because she was so kind....but I could see the householder squirming while she made it through her presentation, trying not to be rude.

    The older sister never made an effort to learn fluent English, never drove, never learned how to do anything for herself. Her husband did everything for her. When he died, financially she was fine, but she had to rely on his sisters to do everything and teach her everyday things.... even how to use an ATM. That video brought back a few memories. Sad really.

    Snakes ()

  • startingovernow

    Wow! I don't doubt there will be a KM article soon on how to handle video-handling householders because of you!

    I too thought the Asian(?) woman was sincere. The blonde was a bit obnoxious - and I would love to hear the counsel she receives (or should anyway) for calling you crazy. When you said she was arrogant it sounded like she said something like "you haven't seen anything yet" - couldn't quite hear her. I just recently became aware of the flying spaghetti monster so I'm sure that she had never heard of it before - your wishing she be touched by his noodley appendage could be taken as a possible verbal sexual assault! LOL!

    I really wonder, with all the warnings about staying off the internet, how many JWs even know what You Tube is. I just can't imagine seeing myself there without my posting it myself!

    I commend you. In all the years I went out in service, no one posed any questions that made me question my beliefs. It's too bad.

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    "I got to hand it to you."

    Whoa Nellie!

    I just FOUND this on YouTube. It wasn't me.

    I thought the video was interesting and had a few funny bits, but I think the householder was a bit too confrontational if he wanted to actually try making a dent in their cognitive disonance.

    To each his own I suppose.


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    This had me ROFLMAO!

    Por misguided sisters that felt they were being harrased... good... that's how JW's make others feel, so its a dose of their own medicine!

  • FlyingHighNow

    I cannot help but feel very sad for this lady. Look at her. You know she is sincere, just like most of us were when we were hoodwinked.


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