Another 5 min. ruined by these idiots I can never get back.

by dogon 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dogon

    This woman driving a silver Honda SUV from the Highway 7 congregation of Hot Springs DUBBERS just reminded me of a sister in Vanderbilt MI. L. Gardner. She thought she was the pillar that held up the world for god. Here and her husband Norm were so pompous it was gut wrenching. Norm would have people he new do talks on Sunday from down state MI and then he would make a big production video taping the talk, This at a time when video cameras were not owned by many people and very expensive. Norm had to be the big boy around the hall. He would go trucking for the society and wear western boots to meeting. I used to call them BJ and Lorna was the bear. For the younger crowd that was a seventy’s show when trucking was a fashionable thing. Everyone owned a CB. If you would watch Norm give a talk, he would literally hang off the podium he was like a professor who was very taken with himself giving a lecture.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    it's been so long since my door was knocked, I really don't know how I would respond.

    If it's someone my age or younger, I would probably engage them in some sort of controversial topic. The older ones that walk to my door would just get a cordial no thanks

  • IP_SEC
    I belonged to the cult for 30 years,

    were you an idiot during any of said time? I dont know. Just asking.

  • dogon

    Sure I was, just as all those idiots are now. One can educate yourself out of being an idiot. Just as one can educate yourself out of being ignorant. It took time and study. It took an open mind. For many years as an idiot I had a closed mind, just as many idiots in the dubdom have a closed mind now. When I use the term idiot I use it as a self imposed thing. Some are idiots and do not know it. So I guess they would be more in the category of ignorant. Those that go to the hall, know that history of the cult, and still preach it are just plane evil. The rest are idiots.

  • B_Deserter
    This woman driving a silver Honda SUV from the Highway 7 congregation of Hot Springs DUBBERS just reminded me of a sister in Vanderbilt MI. L. Gardner. She thought she was the pillar that held up the world for god. Here and her husband Norm were so pompous it was gut wrenching. Norm would have people he new do talks on Sunday from down state MI and then he would make a big production video taping the talk, This at a time when video cameras were not owned by many people and very expensive. Norm had to be the big boy around the hall. He would go trucking for the society and wear western boots to meeting. I used to call them BJ and Lorna was the bear. For the younger crowd that was a seventy’s show when trucking was a fashionable thing. Everyone owned a CB. If you would watch Norm give a talk, he would literally hang off the podium he was like a professor who was very taken with himself giving a lecture.

    Ha! That's funny. Are they still in Vanderbuilt? I ask because in February I'm going to a wedding there (yes, dogon, your niece is getting married).

  • dogon

    Not my niece. I have only 2 and they are twins 4yo in Wichita. Maybe one of Dans kids. Danny is a second cousin. The Gardner’s last I knew sold off everything they had and took the job of running the trucking dept. in Holt. They get a small apt. and run the shipping for that region. The kids Zach, Kevin and Tracy live in or near Vanderbilt. Zach was working for a lumber company, Kevin bought out the drywall company, [a lot of good that did with no building going on] Tracy works at the bank of northern Michigan as a morg. officer. Another area that is not doing anything at all in Michigan. Danny is working on the road building small loggers in other states. I do not know what the rest of them are up to. Unemployment I suspect.

  • shamus100
    One can educate yourself out of being an idiot. Just as one can educate yourself out of being ignorant.

    You're absolutely right. And wrong. It's the old saying, you can bring ahorse to water, but you can't make him drink. Dubs are very hardened in the cults beliefs. It's hard to admit, but most don't even care what you have to say. Trying to convince them otherwise only cements the belief that satan is in control of you.

    But it's a case by case basis, of course. Sometimes trying all the time is just like beating your head against a wall. You get nowhere.

    I'm glad that you got out, and I hope that your family gets out too. Do what you can.

  • orangefatcat

    Funny thing you bring up the name of a bro. named Norm I once knew a bro named that and it was in Canada though and he was a real slick guy dressed to the nines western boots and always had a wad of gum in his mouth and slouched over the podium.

    I laughed when I read that. There are a few witnesses I know who slouch across the podium and they look like they have been on a bender the night before.


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