What is the best state to live in in America?

by oompa 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    Esp. interested to hear from any who have traveled or moved around a bunch....i am talking climate, nearness to mountains or beach or both, cost of living, etc.....as much as i love what California has to offer naturewise, the natural disasters and cost of living there bum me out....since i like mountains and beach, a climate a little less hot than Florida...

    I lean toward Virginia straight south down through Georgia, so both Carolinas too. Maybe Maryland too, but the further north you go, the colder the water and worse the winter, but still the New England coastal states are incredible........oompa

  • snowbird

    I thought you would never ask!



  • BurnTheShips

    Florida is way better than Alabama. More beaches and most people have teef.


  • Junction-Guy

    Kentucky--The cost of living is affordable, the people are friendly, and the winters aren't too bad either. Violent crime is low, and people still stop to help other people.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I've always wanted to live in Seattle.

  • snowbird

    Whatcha talkin' 'bout, Burn!




  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Wisconsin, especially during the winter.

  • hillbilly


    If you are still in your income producing years some states are better that others.

    Got your own money? The world is your oyster.

    I prefer just about anyplace west of the Mississippi River... and have lived in Florida, the Mid South Region and the Upper Midwest-Great Lakes ...plus worked and traveled much of the east Coast.

    Colorado was OK until California came to stay...Texas too.


  • Mary

    I'm not an American, but if I were, I'd be living in either Southern Arizona or Hawaii-----anywhere where I would not see any snow.

  • hillbilly
    -----anywhere where I would not see any snow. ~Mary

    I think we have had or can possibly get snow in all 50 states.

    It snowed in Miami Fl back in 73 or 74 ...made the papers all over the US.

    A buddy of mine was stationed in Hawaii... he swears it snowed on them up atop a mountain on one of the outer islands. He told me it was as cold as anyplace he's ever been at night up high too.

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