Juicing: veggies & fruit.

by LouBelle 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    Does anyone have a Vita Mix?

    I was thinking of buying one. it is not a centrifugal juicer.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I have a Jack LaLain power juicer, that I use, its a very good quality juicer,

    it is centrifugal, but I never store anything I make longer than a day or two since there are no perservitives......which is a good thing.

    You really get a potency of vitamins and minerals when you juice.

    I find it gives a bit of an energy boost and its also a detoxifier.

    And generally too what you make has a very low calorie content.

    Try buying that lot your local super market.

    I have the latest version which is stainless steel , it looks good enough to leave up on the counter, so I just leave it there.

  • eyeslice

    I must admit that, though I am vegetarian, I am not a great 'juicer'. Most mornings mix up a bannana smoothie made with soya milk and a few other fruits. But the rest of the time, I tend to eat my fruit and veg rather than smash them up and drink them.

    As other have said, you have to be a little careful about about juices as you tend to absorb the sugars quickly.

    As with most things in life moderation is the key to success.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    As with most things in life moderation is the key to success.

    I would have to agree with that eyeslice, I don't think its beneficial to go over board , one good tall glass of fresh

    vegetable/ fruit juice made by yourself a day is pretty much I would take in.

    There are so many good tasting foods that we can consume in are modern world , unfortunately the majority of it

    is not necessarily healthy for us to consume, think about that the next time you go to the super market or a 7-11 / Kwiky Mart.

    The key to good health is to consume good tasting food that is high in nutrients.

  • Blueblades

    Loubelle, I remember back in the seventies there was this book that every one was recommending it was called "Back To Eden" it had a green garden cover. It taked about juices and veggies and fruits and said that God's original purpose was for man and woman to be veggie and fruit eaters.

    We tried it for awhile and then went back to our old ways of eating. After all, we were not in that perfect garden of Eden.

    Today you have to be very careful when it comes to eating and juicing fruits and veggies.


  • Gregor

    Humans are omnivores. Anyone who tries to narrow themselves into straight carnivores or herbivores will find deficiences in their chosen diets...

  • kurtbethel

    I used to experiment making juice cocktails. My favorite is tomato, beets, celery, vinegar, honey and cayenne pepper. It will jump start a corpse.

  • Hortensia

    If you drink lots and lots of freshly juiced fruits and veggies, you'll take in a lot of calories. When I used to juice I went to a nutritionist (naturopath) who said just drink 4 ounces three times a day and make sure you put some veggies in the juice. That said, I can highly recommend the combination of cantaloupe and fresh ginger juice - you peel the cantaloupe and ginger and just run them through the juicer. It strains out the seeds and pith. The more ginger you put in, the spicier it is, so I recommend only about an inch of ginger root for a whole cantaloupe. Absolutely delicious. Nowadays I just go buy the green juice at Trader Joe's - the one that is all vegetable, no fruit. It tastes like celery, greens, parsley. Not bad at all.

  • stillajwexelder

    the first time I had a pint of juiced carrots - I thought I was on cloud nine -so sweet - so wonderful - it just felt good

  • LouBelle

    BurnTheShips - ruby grapefuit & celery with a handful of mint - it is so delicious and refreshing!!!

    Yes you've got to be careful of your sugar intake - but I mix the veggies and the fruit for balance. It will be something like: 5 carrots, apple, 2 pears - that would be for my "mid morning snack"

    As for Beets - yes tough ones to juice - I usually cut into smaller bits and then whirrr them through.

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