most dubs are exactly like us faded ones!...l have proven it lately

by oompa 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost


    Sounds like you've been having some interesting conversations. I've used the whole "only JWs get saved" bit to show self-righteous JWs that they're apostates, too.

    Another WT teaching that most Witnesses don't believe revolves around whether resurrected ones in the new system can marry. Jesus clearly stated that in the resurrection, resurrected ones don't marry and are like angels. Nonetheless, lots of JWs believe that if their marriage mate dies in this system they can remarry in the new system...sad.

  • besty
    in just 30 minutes on the WTCD I had three pages of quotes....even stating that the "billions who do not know Jehovah....even in ignorance will not survive"....

    post the 3 pages if you get a mo - I'd like some of those.... has the billions quote:

    The Watchtower 1993 October 1 p.19 went as far as to state that there are billions in line for destruction.

      "There are billions of people who do not know Jehovah. Many of them in ignorance practice things that God's Word shows to be wicked. If they persist in this course, they will be among those who perish during the great tribulation."
  • oompa

    Besty...for some reason this site is not letting me cut and paste anything of quantity....anybody else having this problem? i pm'd it to you, but it looks way better in an e-mail if you or anyone else wants it..........oompa

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Oompa is Satans young aprentice...

  • oompa

    Thanks 007....but we are actually part of trinity....i am the horn on the left....

    By the way all who have read this thread....if you use this tactic or materail on a jw have to first actually get them to realize that they believe something different from the WT! I am amazed at how many of my old friends I can engage in a conversation...knowing that I know something they believe that is contrary to the FDS...and they don't even realize it!.....once you prove it in print and warn them not to blab their REAL belief....the look on their face, and that lack of response is priceless. What can they say?....they are just like oompa!!!..........

  • Jim_TX
    ".....funny but i just learned today i think...that i am not a fader but a faded....i have always said i am a fader, but that really only works if you still go to meetings now and then as you new understanding/definition is that that once you skip the ohsoholy are now a faded......"

    I consider myself as a 'walk-away'.

    The term 'fader' or even 'faded' has negative connotations. I do not like negatives.

    As a walk-away - it was my choice - and a positive one.


    Jim TX

    BTW - I like your approach - getting them to realize that they too may be 'apostate' if they ever publicly disagree. Awesome.

  • oompa
    jim-TX: BTW - I like your approach - getting them to realize that they too may be 'apostate' if they ever publicly disagree. Awesome.

    Thanks said it so much better than i have been trying to!...i just stumbled into it, but dang it is working, esp for dubs who know we have to believe 100% of FDS teachings in order be of "one mind and of the same thought"....damm that is creepy....just like the real Borg.......................oomps

  • Quirky1

    Good job! Oompa! I wish I had your kahunas. Even if I did I don't have but two JW's that'll even come around anymore. I still talk to one other sometimes once a month or so.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Wow... great point Oomps.. I agree.. for years I disagreed (privately) with some official teachings (such as the 1335, 1290, and 2300 days WTS spins, oral sex, 1914, resurrected ones getting married and being horny, etc......) but I imagined that Jehovah would cause new light to flow soon and these ideas would be cleared up... but I didn't want to run ahead of the celestial chariot!


  • oompa

    A@G uuhhhh......hmm how can i put this..... you did not run ahead of the chariot my friend you were beamed through a worm hole and wound up light years in the future.........oompa

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