Sexless marriages

by Mickey mouse 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    Bless you! You and your wife have encompassed what unconditional love is about: love without condition. That is what Jesus told us about, and it should be embraced by all. You have also shown what our vows mean: through sickness and health. I believe we can be blessed by abiding by these vows. Faith and belief.

    Sex is a wonderful and valuable part of a relationship, but it's not everything. Sometimes people like to be with each other simply because they are best friends. Sex can be a part of it, but not always. Sometimes there have been relationships of NO SEX when both parties are homosexual, but the parties are so close to each other that their relationship is primary and they don't want to lose it, so they curtail sexual encounters. People are so different, that not all combinations fit into a mold. people just do what they want to do.


    [email protected]

    i don't think it can exist too long

  • mavie

    6 years in one of those. I shudder to think.

  • Gregor

    Watchtower doctrine has calculated that marriage is the end of genital times.

  • stillajwexelder

    LOL Gregor

  • crapola

    Dear Tired

    You are a true example of what a loving husband should be. I hope your dear wife knows what a blessing she has in you.

  • wozadummy

    I hear ya Mickey . My first wife was a bit timid with the goodies ,terrified of orgasms ,she had a witness mother who brought her up telling her sex was bad and her mother would tease her father then let him down ,the sick bitch.

    Well when she left me (incredibly for anther man ,who would have thought) I went to my book study conductor and wanted to talk about how to get a divorce (at that time I did'nt know she had done the dirty on me) .He explained I'll just have to live with it ,"well " I said "I'll go to the city and get a hooker for the night and then be incredibly repentant and you'll re-instate me and then I can get a scriptuall divorcre ,eh?" He did'nt know what to say.

  • Finally-Free
    Watchtower doctrine has calculated that marriage is the end of genital times.

    That's one watchtower related calculation that's accurate. W

  • FlyingHighNow

    Tired, your story is truly touching.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Damn u Voltaire, u stole my line

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