The new world will be here January 20, 2009 - what changes are you expectin

by eyeslice 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    None. Well, other than a greater erosion of our constitutional freedoms and a move toward anti-semetic thinking and socialism.

    Come to think of it - that is a lot of change. He promised it. We will get it, precisely because we didn't get it.

    On a positive note, we will not have to handle as much of our money, as our federal government will 'spread the wealth' nicely for us. Most Joe the plumbers out there will just stay put. Why try and prosper in a Robin Hood mentality?

    Good health to you, Barack.


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    Anybody remember Jimmy Carter?

  • kurtbethel

    Culottes will be back in.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I'm curious to see what he's going to do with health care.

  • hillbilly

    I expect Obama to be busier than a one-armed paper hanger.

    Russia will present a dilema for his adminstration

    He will likely push a bunch of executive orders that will create a lot of push back....from Congress,Press and the public

    Just a gut feeling... he will have to select new High level staffers during the first 6-8 months.... Press secretary first.

    I dont expect him to do much to the Patriot Act... it will expand... as will the draconian parts of what we call "homeland security"

    Gitmo...his proposal for that is already a joke... just move those guys stateside and try them anyway. I thought the big moral issue was the fact we held those folks at all.

    More of the same..nothing to see here.


  • hillbilly


    I'd expect several of the "third world city-states" to seize a Embassy or two and generally rattle sabres and commit the odd genocide just to test O-mans mettle...I hope this new cat understands exactly what his new "pay-grade" covers.


  • JWdaughter

    IN practical terms, in MY everyday life-I think that my husband will probably commit suicide in pure despair. For the country? There will be changes, but how they impact us immediately, I don't know. I actually doubt that most will feel the difference until they foist the 2009 taxes on us. That might be telling-or not. It will be interesting. There is a chinese saying that "Heroes(Leaders) are made in turbulent times" Obama has qualified for being accepted as a leader during these turbulent times. Will he transform into a hero? I think it could go either way, depending on his agenda and his wisdom. making, but Obama can make it better or make it worse. I hope he makes it better.

  • beksbks

    My goodness, look at all the misinformation and hyperbole that this one little thread contains. Why don't you kids do some reading? Facts and figures, not commentary.

  • hillbilly
    My goodness, look at all the misinformation and hyperbole that this one little thread contains. Why don't you kids do some reading? Facts and figures, not commentary.


    Not a cyrstal ball here...just one man's opinion about future world events. I read , I watch , I learn.... My opinions reflect what I know and see ... Compared to what has happened in the past I dont think I am that far off. I leave the "cut and paste' to the rookies. Obama and Co needs to present the facts and figures... when I see some I will comment on those too.


  • beksbks

    I'm sorry Hill, but your info on Gitmo is incorrect. Both the plans, and the original issue.

    Jeff, erosion of constitutional freedoms? Why would you say that? We've just lived through the closest thing to that at the hands of Republicans. Anti-Semetic?? His new Chief of Staff is a Jew?! Do you drive on roads? Do you ever cross bridges? Did your children go to school? If you call 911 do you expect a response? How about those Veterans we honor today? For the last 30 years we have been losing our freedom to persue happiness, by funnelling wealth upward. Is that the Socialism you prefer?

    WTWizard, Communism.....................that's just plain silly.

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