Do Jehovah's Witnesses Break Up Marriages? WT 11/01/08 pgs 11-12

by insearchoftruth 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • nameless_one

    Ummm... thank you Thomas Poole for that relevant and enlightening story

    quite a different spin in the kool aid article to be studied in November from the September 15, 2008 private edition...

    Does anyone have a scan of this?

    And sorry Oompa for kicking you off the last-reply LOL, feel free to post again right behind me!

  • oompa

    hahah...ok nameless....i just did..............oompa

  • nomoreguilt

    Well now, let's talk about this a little bit more in depth. Does the fact that a spouse decides to become a jw break up a marriage? There are many things associated with being a jw that do impact a marriage. There are also many things that being an existing jw that break up marriages. Let's talk....

    So, all of a sudden the non-participating mate is told that oral sex is a no-no. He or she has enjoyed this intimacy for many years, and now, the jw tell his/her spouse that they can't. Hence, the non-jw spouse looks elsewhere for gratification. I have seen and expierenced this myself.

    The new jw spouse decides to give up a lucrative career to pioneer. NO-NO! What an impact this has on a thriving, productive marriage. The family's lifestyle suddenly changes. I have seen this break up a marriage.

    Let's say that it's the hubby that becomes a jw. Advances quite rapidly in the org, ms, elder, no more time for the unbelieving wifey. Wiefy complains to a male of interest at work, the grocery store, the gym, the street.........She leaves jw elder hubby, another marriage down the tubes. I have seen this also.

    So, perhaps we need to have one of our own from JWD on the writing committee. I think we have FAR more practical expierence in these and other of life's matters to contribute a NON BIASED assessment of whether becoming a jw breaks up a marriage.

    Any other quotes are welcome.


  • StAnn
    As many husbands and wifes in all the parts of the world have found, the Bible is a force for good in a marriage.

    The Bible may be a force for good in a marriage but the WTS is NOT.

    My mother became a Dub after marrying my father. My father did not become a Dub. That is no way to raise your children, believe me. We were raised to believe that Dad was going to die at Armageddon so, in essence, we were raised to believe that he was irrelevant because he was not a permanent part of our lives. Mom always used to talk about what life would be like in the "New World." Dad was never part of that picture. Sometimes she'd be prattling on about it and say, "Of course, your father won't be there." And then she'd go on. That caused incredible stress and anxiety for a child who loved her father.

    Terrible, terrible organization.


  • Quandry

    Advice from Successful Wives

    Betty, from USA-"Once my husband realized that he would not see his wife or children for hours several nights a week and on weekend mornings, so that we could no longer go on any family outings, he was a tad upset. But once I explained to him that soon he was going to die at Armageddon and the birds would pick at his dead carcass, he began to find other activities with some new friends during our meeting times. I thank God that it has all worked out."

  • WTWizard

    Whether the marriages break up or not, the witlesses do ruin them. Time and resources that should be spent building the marriage bond is taken instead and used for field circus. Plus the hounders are in their bedrooms trying to coerce them to obey the bedroom laws, which doesn't give them a chance to express their feelings to the full. Add a little stress from not doing enough, and you have a recipe for a stagnant marriage.

    Then, what happens when you get a washtowel telling people to marry the witlesses? That is a classic setup for rejection, since most witlesses won't even think of marrying anyone that is not already a baptized witless. And then they have to be in "for some time, not just out of the baptism pool" (see the 11/1/1989 washtowel for that). Plus the hounders are going to have something to say about it--just another way of getting people to become Jehovah's Witlesses.

  • Finally-Free

    Even if the "experiences" are true, it doesn't give an accurate representation of what is happening in reality. If these "experiences" are to have any credibility they must be backed up with verifiable statistics gathered by an independent neutral agency. Members of this board alone could probably come up with hundreds of experiences that would far outweigh the pathetic handfull provided by the watchtower.

    When I stopped being a "believer" the elders played an active part in the breakup of my marriage, and they forbade my ex to reconcile with me or even speak with me unless at least 2 JWs were present.


  • FreedomFrog
    If these "experiences" are to have any credibility they must be backed up with verifiable statistics gathered by an independent neutral agency.

    I agree FF~ It makes me sick inside to see how the Watchtower can "create" experiences/examples and not feel they need to provide proof. Anyone can make up good stories and claim them to be true. I bet you the statistics of failed marriages (because of their teachings) are much higher than successful ones.


  • insearchoftruth

    Another the same public edition wt they talk about the only reason one is allowed to divorce is due to adultery.....well what would be the advice given to a person studying with a JW if the UBM were to challenge the marriage based on the studying?!?!?

    And I also read I think in the same WT, or maybe the Sept. study edition WT that even a non-JW marriage can only be ended due to that true??

  • foreverfree

    In my own experience, the elders actually counseled my then - wife to use the " absolute spiritual endangerment " reason as an excuse to separate from me so the lonliness would get the best of me and I'd commit adultery then she could be free to remarry. Well, it happened just that way. I hope her new husband is just as miserable as I was being married to that wretch.

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