Sarah Palin STILL Doesn't Know What the VP's Job Is

by BizzyBee 30 Replies latest members politics

  • undercover

    That guy on the right looks pretty bright...

    ...comparatively speaking

  • 144001

    That guy on the right looks pretty bright...

    ...comparatively speaking

    Indeed he is; he's celebrating after being informed of the results of recent IQ tests which confirm that his IQ score exceeds the aggregate total of the IQ scores of the three primates on the left of him.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    After reading some of the posts in this thread, I find irony in casting aspersions on the iqs of Republicans.

  • 144001

    How could I forget to include this one (mistakenly following "that one")?


  • Barbie Doll

    144001..Is that a real pic or is it doctored?..Either way it`s funny!..LOL!!............Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    This is what McCain thinks about Sarah Palin.

  • 144001


    The picture is real. It was snapped at the conclusion of the last debate by a Reuters photographer.

    In John McCain's defense, in a sense, this picture was taken out of context. The debate had just concluded and McCain mistakenly followed Obama to the same side of the stage although he was supposed to exit from the other side. Upon being advised/realizing he was going the wrong way, he abruptly made an about-face. The photographer was rapid-firing and caught what was really a split second pose. It was so brief a moment in time that no one really noticed it except for the photographer and his editor upon reviewing the pictures that were shot at the debate.

    We all make funny faces for a moment or two and if a camera was on us 24/7 I'm sure each of us would be captured in many embarrassing poses. I included this picture in my post strictly as a humorous "McCain moment" but do not think any less of him as a result of this picture.

  • beksbks

    Still Fading, you better get reading babe. And put your thinking cap on. Executive and Legislative branches of the Government, are separate. On purpose. It is part of the checks and balances. Senators (and congressmen) are elected by their own constituents. They are supposed to be representing our best interests. That's why you see so many porky attachments to decent bills. But I digress. The VP is no part of that system............well, you know what I mean. Only in the case of a tie breaker. And Joe Biden quoted that point when Palin said something about "flexibility" at the debate. Biden correct, Palin clueless.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    For all you Palin lovers hear is a shot of her showing a lil azz.

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