Atheist you say?

by Rex B13 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist


    I quoted George Harrison because those few words are very heavy indeed. I did not quote him because he "knew" something about politics or God. I don't know what his personal beliefs were nor am I interested.

    He said that searching for God was the most urgent cause. I agree. I am not basing my beliefs on this or anything else George may have said or done. I mentioned his quote because it was recent and relevant to the subject.

    I think you ran away with it so I had to bring you back.

  • radar


    I enjoyed your post.
    "In order to believe, one does not have to believe all."

    Faith though, as to begin somewhere.
    An Atheist will question the source of that "begining".
    In the case of a modern Christian the source of that begining is the Bible. To ancient believers it was word of mouth. Some guy claiming he had a message from God.
    Then that claim perhaps being reinforced, by some "experience" a disciple may have.

    Thats why I believe you cannot judge people either way on this issue.
    A person can only go by his own experience in life.
    Logic must play its part though, otherwise mankind would still be running away from fire and thinking when it thundered the Gods had spoken.


    Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams

  • Skeptic

    Me thinks Rex was trolling with this one. The extent of the writer's bad logic is shown when you substitute "Unicorns", "Space Aliens", "The Great Buffalo", or any religion's god for the word God in that article.

    The same logic "proves" that Unicorns/Space Aliens/The Great Buffalo exists and created everything. Since we do not know everything, how can we say that Unicorns do not exist and did not create everything. Obviously, those who do not believe in Unicorns do not want to be accountable to Unicorns.

    With enough faith, you can believe anything.


  • Naeblis

    There are so many things wrong with that essay that I will just respond with this. *moons Rex* :) Buh bye

  • Frenchy

    I also agree that logic has served mankind very well and I’m all for it. I am in the construction business and there, especially, logic and deductive reasoning are a must as well as a knowledge of (and faith in!) mathematics, physics, chemistry along with a lot of common sense and a smidgen of imagination and a sense of humor necessary to maintain one’s sanity when all the sciences and logic seem to conflict with each other when the walls don’t meet!

    In the end each person shall arrive at a conclusion based on what they are and what they want, balanced out (or painted ) against their individual circumstances, abilities, interactions with other humans, and dispositions. I do not hate unbelievers anymore than I necessarily love believers. (After all the Devil is a believer!)

    Here is an important point with me: Whether one acknowledges the existence of God or not means very little. It’s how they live their lives that counts the most…with me, at least. Belief in God does not make Him so anymore than disbelief in God makes Him go away.

  • Abaddon


    Yeah, I did go off on one didn't I?

    I suppose it's cause the quote cut to what is, to me, the crux of the whole arguement.

    If there was a god, we wouldn't have to search for it. It would be as unarguable as gravity.

    For me, to conceive that there is a god that cares and that this god then makes its existence unprovable, is to let in madness. If god is like that, I don't know if it's the sort of supernatural being I'd be inclined to worship.

    Of course, god might indeed be able to fault my logic. But I have never seen anything remotely resembling a convincing arguement, and I have looked, so god needs better PR and more precisely written documentation. I do not buy ineffability.

    So, I was attacking the quote really, not you making it, sorry!! Obviously you have just as much a right to your opinion as me!!

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • Frenchy

    “If there was a god, we wouldn't have to search for it. It would be as unarguable as gravity.” –Abaddon

    Not to be argumentative, but on the basis of what do you make that presumption?

  • ISP

    I am uncertain about God....all I would say for sure is that he/it is not active. Therefore there is little point about being dogmatic about the subject. If he wants us to do anything in particular he will have to inform us in some appropriate manner.


  • crownboy
    “If there was a god, we wouldn't have to search for it. It would be as unarguable as gravity.” –Abaddon

    Not to be argumentative, but on the basis of what do you make that presumption?

    Frenchy, if that God was all loving and claimed that not believing in him (and his son) would bring you eternal destruction, then his not revealing himself convincinly is an issue. (I know, I'm not Abaddon, but wanted to comment anyway )

    Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!

  • Frenchy

    Thank you for your comment. I am not of the belief that disbelief in God and his son means eternal destruction.

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