A JW's view of a rape victim

by digderidoo 12 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I was referring to one of the daughters of an elder. But even so how different can it be.

    I remember watching a video on an elder who handled a pedophile case in Australia. He kept referring to it as a sexual or homosexual act, never once did he refer to it for what it is, a crime.

  • hamsterbait

    No matter what the age of the victim, the elduhs always want to know WHAT KIND OF KNICKERS the victim was wearing.

    Do rapists have x ray eyes?

    Even a little girl who has been molested has been asked this.

    If you don't believe me search the testimonies on this board, or better still go to



  • gaiagirl

    The JW view is based on 3000 year old, bronze age partriarchal laws in which a womans only value is what she can bring in trade when she is married off. In this view, virgins are "worth" more, and a rape victim is "worth" less, and sometimes even worthless.

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