No Tipping Hats to Women!

by ISP 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • RunningMan

    It's probably just as well. JW's are notoriously bad tippers, anyway.

    "{picture of man thinking of fornication while tipping his hat in the background}"

    When is a man NOT thinking about fornication?

  • Billygoat

    I've stated this in another thread, but I'll say it again. I believe that women should be paid equally in the work force. I love the fact that couples have the option of the Dad staying at home and taking care of the kids nowadays. I believe couple's that have healthy relationships typically do away with the He-man/She-woman boundaries and just pitch in and help each other, regardless of what society believes in domestic responsibilities. I'm not a die-hard feminist.

    But there is a part of me that is a bit old-fashioned. Since Neil and I started dating over a year ago, I can count on one hand how many times I've ever opened a door with him there. He always gets the car door for me. He always helps me with carrying groceries or other packages. He walks my dogs when it's late and dark outside, knowing full well that I'm capable. He has me call him when I get home from his house late at night - he wants to know that I'm safe. He picks me up for dates and actually comes to my door - he doesn't honk from the parking lot. He never purposely belches or scratches his crotch in my presence. He always let me order first when we dine out. And you know what? I love it! I love the fact that he calls me "princess" and that he does what he can to make me happy! I think it chivalrous and gentlemanly. There are too few men like him in this world. And the fact that he's almost 4 years my junior surprises me to this day. Most men his age (that I know) don't know what a gentleman is, let alone how to act like one.

    I also believe that I treat Neil well too. Whenever we're together, I do whatever I can to make him comfortable and happy. It's a two way street - he tries to make me happy and I try to make him happy. Either way, we both feel special and loved.

    I have a lot of male friends that can't figure out why they can't get a "lady". My advice is that they don't deserve a "lady" unless they act like a "gentleman." Same goes true to the women friends in my life. You can't attract a gentleman unless you act like a lady.

    But is it any wonder why women are treated so badly in the organization? Is it any wonder why so many JW men are abusive somehow - mentally, physically, emotionally, or sexually. That's the example that comes from their "pulpit" and they think women are their god-given right. UGH!

    I can't remember ANY JW brothers treating any women the way Neil treats me.

    Andi - stepping down from her soapbox

  • Doc_jedd

    ....yes indeed the WTBTS sure know bovine activity due to the fact they are constantly pumping out copius amounts of BULLSH!T like that last article..............Jedd

  • LDH
    Even learned biologists do not know exactly when there is no danger of conception for a woman.

    ha ha I would like to know what the fuck learned biologist told them they don't know when women can avoid contraception.

    I believe even the Catholic chruch calls it "Natural Family Planning."

    OMG this is a crackup.



    E-man I like your attitude!..Billygoat,you seem like a fine southern lady.I read your last post on this thread.I agree with you,I would take it a step farther though.Not only do I think most jw men don`t treat their women right.I don`t think most jw women treat their men right.They kind of deserve each other.I think good men or women are a rare find.I run into them but not often...OUTLAW

  • Cowboy


    (of the always has and always will tip his hat to a lady,and who understands cows quite well and women not at all,but knows the WT can sure spread the bulls*** class)

    We ride and never worry about the fall
    I guess that's just the cowboy in us all

  • Billygoat

    OUTLAW - good point! The WTS treats their women like dogs and anyone knows most die-hard jdubs will act like they're treated! I don't think I even understood the meaning of "lady" until I left the borg. You're right...they do deserve each other!

    ((((Cowboy)))) - You're a sweetie!


  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Howcome menz are supposed to tip the hat and not wimminz? I raise my chapeau to all & sundry as greeting and respect...

  • lauralisa

    Running Man wrote:

    JW's are notoriously bad tippers, anyway
    I remember a "special needs" talk which detailed "how to tip". Apparently many jw's, at restaurants during conventions, were leaving tracts and old magazines on the tables in lieu of $$$ as tips.

    I remember sitting there stunned during this lame discourse, wondering how on earth this was Jehovah's idea of "spiritual food at the right time"........ knowing that it was costing some of the friends a HUGE percentage of their annual incomes just to drag their families off to these three-day pep-rallys...

    If the world didn't suck, we would all fall off
  • one

    Sound like fredy franz way of thinking

    that is the guy who never touched a naked woman.
    May be his body could not produce the right hormones

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