Interpret this dream?

by AK - Jeff 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Cindi_67

    Glass house

    To dream that you are living in a glass house, signifies the threatened loss of your reputation. Alternatively, it suggests that you are being watched.


    To see an Indian in your dream, represents the primitive and instinctual aspect of yourself. You need to be in more control of your waking-life situations and surroundings. You also need to be more self-reliant and exercise your personal power. Alternatively, this dream symbolizes honesty, dedication, and wisdom.


    To see cloth in your dream, represents components and various pieces that composes your life. Consider the color for significance in the outlook or how things are going in your life.

    This is how important the buffalo was to the indians.

    The buffalo meant everything to the plains indians. They provided the necesary needs the Indians needed to survive on the plains.

    The Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota (Sioux) Indians used the buffalo for food. They also used it for clothing and shelter. Because the buffalo was so important, it had a special place in their religion. An old story tells that the Indians once lived underground. They called themselves Pte Oyate, or the Buffalo Nation. One day, they came to the surface to live. Here, life was hard. A holy man named Tatanka came to them as a buffalo. He gave the people everything they needed. Today, one Indian name for the buffalo is tatanka.

    The buffalo moved in herds. The Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota people had to move with them. They lived a nomadic lifestyle. They followed the buffalo to new grasslands or pastures. Hunting was hard before white people brought horses to the Americas. Most of the tribe had to help hunt the buffalo. The people would herd the animals into a canyon or corral. Hunters killed the penned animals. One of these ancient "kill sites" is found near the town of Buffalo, South Dakota.

    These three seem to be the important aspects of your dream. Read over them, because as you can see they all have some significance towards your own self. Put everything together and see if any of it makes sense to you. You are the only one that can see how it applies to you. You mentioned that you yelled 'STRONG SPIRIT' so see if any of these apply. Interesting dream.

  • Quirky1

    Wow, that's a trippy dream. Did someone spike your drink? Peyote? Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds? But it is better than my recurring dream of going to work in my underwear.

  • AGuest
    Especially AGuest who appears to be genuinely delusional, believing himself to be in direct communication with God.

    Ummm... I am a "she," thus, "herself." And I am not in direct communication with God; never have claimed to be (although some repeatedly miss this truth). Only One is direct communcation (John 14:6)... and it is he that speaks to me (John 10:27). I shared what I heard from him; nothing more... and nothing less. That it is related to the WTBTS is... well, what it is.

    I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest
    Regarding me comments in my profile, from which AGuest drew his comments about where I was trying to head in my life,

    Again, I am a "she", thus "her." (There is a little symbol indicating where one's avatar would normally go. Along with my age... )

    those comments are out of date as we might say.

    This is incorrect...

    I no longer subscribe heavily to the idea of Christianity,

    Nor did your comments in your profile suggest you did (i.e., as to the "idea" of Christianity... at least, as the world knows it...)

    nor religion at all for the most part...

    Religion. Ewwww. Yuck. Please DON'T subscribe, ascribe, prescribe... or any "scribe" to it!

    though I do consider matters spiritual in my life as important.

    Exactly. It was from that place in your "life" that you even made the comment. The Holy One of Israel knows this, for it is the words of a man's heart and kidneys that are examined. Not the words of his mouth.

    I need to change that before JWD disapears and I lose the chance.

    Well, if you really feel you need to. My understanding is that your comment is appropo; however, given the thinking and beliefs of most who profess to be "christian"... it is understood why you would think it is not.

    Personally, I would exhort you to forget your concerns about what earthling man might think of you... and stay true to yourself... and God... regardless of what you fear others might think of that. But that's just MHO...

    I did share with you what I received, in truth, FROM the Truth... and nothing more... or less.

    I bid you peace.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    May you have peace!

    I may I refer you, as my Lord has directed me to, to the following:

    For God speaketh once, yea twice, [yet man] perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, That he may withdraw man [from his] purpose, and hide pride from man. - Job 33:14-17

    May you have ears to hear.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • OnTheWayOut

    Glass house

    To dream that you are living in a glass house, signifies the threatened loss of your reputation. Alternatively, it suggests that you are being watched.


    To see an Indian in your dream, represents the primitive and instinctual aspect of yourself. You need to be in more control of your waking-life situations and surroundings. You also need to be more self-reliant and exercise your personal power. Alternatively, this dream symbolizes honesty, dedication, and wisdom.


    To see cloth in your dream, represents components and various pieces that composes your life. Consider the color for significance in the outlook or how things are going in your life.

    While I can tend to agree with much of the above, the problem lies in the facts that each
    mind is different and many won't use the same symbols that psychologists and doctors
    of various sorts think they should be using.

    Maybe, in general, a glass house represents a threatened loss of reputation. But maybe
    I always thought it represented need for precaution because my only connection with
    glass houses is that saying- People who live in glass houses should not cast stones.
    If that is the case, I may not use it the same way in a dream that would typify it's use.

    Same for any element of the dream. An American Indian could represent wisdom to
    another person, harmony with nature to the next person. It could represent the old
    west and taking matters into your own hands to avid fans of Clint Eastwood or
    John Wayne.

    Cloth, well- that really could be different things to different people. It could be a baby
    blanket, or a bolt of fabric. It could represent security, clothing, basic needs, or
    virtually anything. I like the thought about the color, but many people don't remember
    such details from a dream.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    First of all, my apologies to AGuest for using the masculine instead of feminine in my address. I just didn't look at the symbol. I do need to change my profile, as I no longer believe in a God in a box, as represented by Christianity. I don't know if I believe in Jesus or not at all nowadays. I lean toward Secular Buddhism without any religious ideas. Thanx for all your kind comments.

    After some consideration, I am now beginning to believe that the dream was indeed visionary. The days following this dream have become filled with serious matters involving my daughter and her children, and it has become a tug of war. When I shared the dream with my sister, she immediately arrived at the same basic interpretation as others here - that it was about my daughter and about our relationship especially as it relates to her children [of whom we have legal custody].

    Thanx all for the comments. I have rarely had such a vivid dream.


  • journey-on


    Thanks for updating us on your situation. Best of luck to you and your family. Keep paying attention to your dreams. I believe

    we dream for reasons beyond just ordinary "defragmenting" of our daily activities. Ones like you had are serious messages.......Journey-on

  • ataloa

    Jeff, it seems that you have been able to make sense of your dream with the help of this thread. I wish you success in dealing with the tough family issues. As someone said, the symbols in dreams mean different things to different people.

    So, just for the fun of it, had it been my dream, here's what I would have made of it:

    Buffalo and Indians signify America.The glass house is a greenhouse; you prepared for the hard times.

    The buffalo are thin because there's nothing to eat. Tunga anagrams into the word gaunt.

    They weren't chasing the woman, they were trying to beat her to your food.

    Strong spirit - you had a stronger will to survive than they did.

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