Christmas Tree Pictures-Post them

by Pierced Angel 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat

    Can we just Yadirt alone now? I love the way y'all are allowing him to hijack a thread by continuing to answer his posts. Just ignore him.


  • LDH

    When I saw those V-day hearts, Jayhawk, I couldn't help but remember what I was taught about them!

    They are not shaped like that because of the HUMAN heart, they are shaped like that because it is supposed to resemble the head of a man's penis!

    THAT right there should show you how disgusting Valentine's day is!

    Penises indeed!

    Thinks Yadirf stuffs his pants with a Russell Stover Sampler class

  • Celia

    Well then Friday, Thank all of us "pagans" for brightening the dark winter nights with all our lights and stars and glitter, that you enjoy so much watching...
    Would it make any difference to you if the birth of Christ was celebrated sometimes in October ? As noone knows exactly when Jesus was born, December 25th. is as good as any other day.
    You're really upset about this wonderful time of year, aren't you ?

    What about Thanksgiving ? Do you have a big dinner with friends and family, with turkey and all the dressings, but call it a family reunion or something ?
    Hypocrite !

  • toddy

    Ten Reasons Why a Christmas Tree Is Better Than a Woman:

    10: A Christmas tree doesn't care how many other Christmas trees you have had in the past.

    9: Christmas trees don't get mad if you use exotic electrical devices.

    8: A Christmas tree doesn't care if you have an artificial one in the closet.

    7: A Christmas tree doesn't get mad if you break one of its balls.

    6: You can feel a Christmas tree before you take it home.

    5: A Christmas tree doesn't get mad if you look up underneath it.

    4: When you are done with a Christmas tree you can throw it on the curb and have it hauled away.

    3: A Christmas tree doesn't get jealous around other Christmas trees.

    2: A Christmas tree doesn't care if you watch football all day.

    1: A Christmas tree doesn't get mad if you tie it up and throw it in the back of your pickup truck.

  • Yadirf


    Well then Friday, Thank all of us "pagans" for brightening the dark winter nights with all our lights and stars and glitter, that you enjoy so much watching...

    Well, I might just do that if it had been for ME that you went to the work. You went to the work that it took, not for those who don’t participate in the Holiday, but for all that do … whether “Christian” or “pagan”. I just enjoy the fruits of your labor in sort of a collateral way I guess you might say. So if you decide to stop putting up your decorative lights etc., no sweat on my account … I CAN live without it all.

    1)Would it make any difference to you if the birth of Christ was celebrated sometimes in October ? 2)As noone knows exactly when Jesus was born, December 25th. is as good as any other day.
    1) No, but it would make YOU a great deal of difference.

    2) As “good as any other day”? You make it sound as if the day of the 25th was just randomly selected to be the day to celebrate “Christmas”. I got news for you, little one, THAT particular day was selected for no other reason than because it was ALREADY a big day for celebration among the pagan world. The Catholic Church just renamed it, calling it "Christmas" instead of the "Saturnalia". You're obviously not up to snuff on all that is known about "Christmas".

    You're really upset about this wonderful time of year, aren't you ?
    A person that knows the facts has no reason to be disquieted, and so I’m not what you would call “upset”. But, quite obviously YOU are upset.

    What about Thanksgiving ? Do you have a big dinner with friends and family, with turkey and all the dressings, but call it a family reunion or something ?
    Hypocrite !
    To answer your question: No, I don’t. But I see that you called me a hypocrite, even before you heard me answer your question. Is your middle name “Presume”? Do you realize how much of a fool you’ve been?


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • mindfield

    I know you guys don't want us to reply to yadirfs posts, but i'm really curious:

    Why can you say the pagan origins of the date December 25th is crucial in determining whether is should be celebrated or not and still accept marriage with its wedding ring, which also had pagan origins? Both marriage and the birth of Jesus have their importance... what makes you selectively take one but ignore the other? Isn't the fact that Christmas no longer has resemblances to its pagan roots makes it acceptable now?

    Just curious.

  • Yadirf


    Anyway, I just wanted you to know that regardless of the net.kooks that were harrassing you about your feelings,....
    "Kooks"??? So now I'm plural am I?

    Me "harrassing" LB??? I guess presenting the facts is somewhat harrassing!!! ROFLMAO!!!

    you do have far more support here than you can possibly imagine.
    "Support"??? A shoulder to cry on yeah, but nothing to help the poor guy win his arguments. ROFLMAO again!!!


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • Yadirf


    Why can you say the pagan origins of the date December 25th is crucial in determining whether is should be celebrated or not and still accept marriage with its wedding ring, which also had pagan origins? Both marriage and the birth of Jesus have their importance... what makes you selectively take one but ignore the other? Isn't the fact that Christmas no longer has resemblances to its pagan roots makes it acceptable now?
    First off, Mindfield, the subject of this thread is about "Christmas Tree Pictures", which has to do with the Christmas celebration. It's NOT about weddings. But, that be as it may, a “wedding ring” is a sign that the one wearing it is “taken” … an outward indication for all to see that the person already belongs to another. Of course there’s no end to the number of things that a MIND like yours, MINDFIELD, can think up, which you imagine to be inconsistent with the JWs stand in one way or another. For example: Tin cans are of pagan origin. Automobiles are too. Computers as well. We Christians use a heck of a lot of things which are the handiwork of “pagans”, right? Right! According to YOUR logic, JWs shouldn’t have a car, a computer, a wedding ring, etc., etc.

    A wedding ring is much like a marriage certificate, which is ALSO of pagan origin. Right? Right! Why do JWs go to the trouble to obtain a legal, pagan Marriage Certificate? For the same reason they might wish to wear a pagan wedding band. To use something such as the wedding ring for the purpose I’ve described is one thing. To indulge in a pagan celebration/festivity or even copy from it is quite another … PARTICULARLY when it centers around something as important as the Savior of the world, the Messiah.

    So when it comes to the “Christmas” celebration, it’s not only the pagan *date* that figures in on the issue.


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • Celia

    No I am not upset at all, it is just a wonderful time of year.

    ...I got news for you, little one, THAT particular day was selected for no other reason than because it was ALREADY a big day for celebration among the pagan world. The Catholic Church just renamed it, calling it "Christmas" instead of the "Saturnalia". You're obviously not up to snuff on all that is known about "Christmas"....

    Now you presume dear Yadirf, I knew that, most people know that, but as you also know, we are not worshipping the sun anymore, it hasn't been done for centuries and centuries in this part of the world...
    Well enough of that, better things to do this morning, have a wonderful Christmas dear Friday.
    Do you get any presents ?
    Don't answer !!!

  • BobsGirl

    Last weekend I erected my first Christmas tree ... and it is gorgeous ... and then this weekend my JW brother and sister in law called to say that they were coming to visit. I immediately panicked thinking that I would have to dismantle the tree etc. But I decided that if they were going to abandon me ... it would be better for them to do it now before my baby boy had grown really attached to them ... Not only was the tree up, but the stockings were hung on the entertainment center with glee!! I also refused to take down the 5 flags that I have had flying in my front yard since September.

    I was nervous, of course ... but neither my brother or sister in law said a word about it. It was spooky. Not one word ...... When they left they hugged us goodbye and invited us to come visit them soon ..... spooky.


    "May the work of your hands be a sign of gratitude and reverence to the human condition." - Mahatma Gandhi

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