Who is the god of the J.W.?

by Aculama 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Slappy

    I agree...completely!

    JW 'god' = themselves.

    And like you said, it is frustrating to see those that have realized the truth behind the JW religion completely cut off any ties with the Bible and the God contained therein because of its association with the JW religion.

    I know many of them claim that all religions are the same and that all are therefore 'bad' due to their experience with one of many. And you know, I agree with that. Most, if not all, 'organized religions' are that way, in one form of another. However, just because most everybody misuses a tool (the Bible), that doesn't mean the tool is itself the thing to blame. More likely, it means that those who are attempting to use it--or knowingly misuse it (the guy that tried to trim his hedge with a lawnmower...)--either have no idea how to use it, or apply their own "user's manual" and act like they know how to use it. You would think that those who have escaped the clutches of the cult would realize this; afterall, they were intelligent enough to leave the cult, so they should be able to realize the misuse of the Bible instead of automatically associating it with 'evil' and disregarding it completely.

    I wonder if fear has a little/lot to do with such a stance. It would be terrible to be caught back up into something as detrimental as the Watchtower. As such, it's just easier to ignore the idea of a God altogether and see if they can put together some semblence of a normal life. Completely understandable. And yet, what about going outside one's comfort zone to learn and to grow? Afterall, that is what those within the Watchtower's clutches had to do to escape in the first place.

    I know many people like to use the analogy of the 4 blind men and the elephant in relation to God (aka. 'religion'). However, what about the fifth blind man? He felt nothing so argued that the elephant didn't exist. However, what is quite clear from the analogy is that the elephant truly was there, it's just that everybody is blind. And the one who was turned away from the elephant knew nothing of it. While ignorance may indeed be bliss, it can also be deadly.

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