The Shekinah: The New Name for God?

by cameo-d 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cameo-d

    The Catholic Church’s top astronomer has said there is no contradiction between the one true faith and believing in aliens.

    The statement will surely spark speculation that the Church knows more than it’s letting on and is preparing the world for some pretty big revelations, or at least laying the groundwork for mass conversions of extra-terrestrials once we’ve tracked them down.

    José Gabriel Funes, the director of the Vatican Observatory, admitted the possibility of extra-terrestrial life in an interview with the Papacy’s inhouse daily L'Osservatore Romano, titled “The Alien is my Brother”.

    The paper quoted him saying: "It is possible, even if until now, we have no proof. But certainly in such a big universe this hypothesis cannot be excluded."

    “This is not in contradiction with our faith, because we cannot establish limits to God's creative freedom,” Funes continued. “To say it with St Francis, if we can consider some earthly creatures as 'brothers' or 'sisters', why could we not speak of a 'brother alien'? He would also belong to the creation."

    Funes even suggested that alien beings might be free of some of the earthly burdens that drag down we poor benighted humans. Not gravity, carnal pleasures or mortgages, of course, but good old original sin. “In that way, assuming that there would be other intelligent beings, we could not say that they need redemption. They could have remained in full friendship with the Creator."

    But if aliens were sinners – and let’s face it, supposed visitors to this planet have pulled some pretty heinous stunts on earthly beings, from humans to cattle – Funes said they “in some way, would have the chance to enjoy God's mercy, just as it has happened with us human beings".

    Thought-provoking stuff. Just as interesting will be the reaction of the Vatican proper to Funes’ comments. Popes have had a turbulent relationship with astronomers in the past. While John Paul II had a pretty indulgent attitude towards the Vatican observatory and science in general, the current incumbent on the throne of St Peter is thought to have a more reactionary attitude towards science and the like, to the extent of voicing support for intelligent design.

    Whatever the current regime’s attitude towards astronomy, Funes mounted a solid defence of his discipline, telling the paper: "Astronomy has a profound human value. It is a science that opens the heart and the mind. It helps us to put our lives, our hopes, our problems in the right perspective.”

  • cameo-d

    How can you read this and not realize that it does indeed imply an "alien" visitation?

    Most people have little understanding of what the Shekinah Glory
    of YEHOVAH God is, let alone realize the prophetic significance
    of this manifestation of God. The Jewish rabbis coined this extra-
    biblical expression, and it is form of a Hebrew word that literally
    means "he caused to dwell" -- signifying that it was a divine visi-
    tation of the presence or dwelling of YEHOVAH God on this earth.

    In the Encyclopedia Judaica the "Shekinah" is defined as "the Divine Presence, the numinous immanence of God in the world

    ..."a divine visitation" what does this mean to you?

    but in the near future it will be manifested in the PHYSICAL FORM once again when IT RETURNS TO THIS EARTH to reside in the new Temple in Jerusalem!

    so if you believe Revelation 21:3

    And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

    My question to you all is this: Do you expect god to be invisible as he always has been? Or do you think there will be an actual alien presence in a physical manifestation during this time?

    Do you expect this "new god" to be a good god? Why or why not?

    (the Shekinah) it was a PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION of the actual presence of YEHOVAH among His people

    Do you think gods name will change to something universal now, like Shekinah?

    According to Eusebius the "Shekinah" Glory left the Temple and hovered over the Mount of Olives during "the siege of Jerusalem" (66 A.D. to 70). However, Eusebius was not the only observer who mentioned that the "Shekinah" Glory left the Temple before the destruction of the Temple and hovered over the Mount of Olives. A Jewish rabbi named Jonathan -- who was an eyewitness to the destruction of Jerusalem -- said the "Shekinah" Glory left the Temple and for three and a half years

    Now, I think this is strange. If this were a good god, why does he hover during the time of destruction? Why does he not unite the people of the world. If this god shows capability to come and go at will, why does he not hear the cries of those who are in pain and torment in this world. If he has shown his availability why does he not stop the evil? It must be because he can't, or won't. Personally I think it is because whatever this damn Shekinah thing is not benevolent.

    The Shekinah led Moses for 40 years in the desert. So am I justified in concluding that god cannot find his way out of a paper bag? Or was this malvolent alien just playing a joke on these people giving them hopes and dreams and wasting their lives in slavery to a pie in the sky?

    There was yet another writer who recorded the fact of the "Shekinah" presence of YEHOVAH God moving from the Temple in Jerusalem just before the war with the Romans. Josephus mentioned that in the Spring of 66 A.D. some astonishing events took place within the Temple. He recorded three miracles associated with YEHOVAH's "Shekinah" and the Temple -- and each one showed clearly that the "Shekinah" was departing from the Holy of Holies. In War VI, 290 he stated "that a GREAT LIGHT shone over the altar for thirty minutes at 3 o'clock in the morning (a week before Passover in A.D. 66) and then it DEPARTED. He said the sacred scribes interpreted this sign as a bad omen for the Temple. It was like the Shekinah Glory moving away from the Tabernacle in the wilderness as a sign to disassemble the Tabernacle and transport it to another location" (ibid.).

    Did the Shekinah actually have something to do with the destruction?

    This event, which Ezekiel experienced in vision, will be fulfilled in the near future when YEHOVAH God's "Shekinah" returns to this earth and habitates, once again, a newly built Temple! We find this SAME event recorded in Zechariah 2 -- where he says: "Sing, Jerusalem, and rejoice! For I have come to live [shakan] among you, says the LORD [YEHOVAH, YHVH]. AT THAT TIME [of the end] many nations will be converted to the LORD
  • abbagail

    I remember seeing those Vatican articles about the aliens whenever they were first in the news... the MSNBC link you gave works.

    The Vatican is preparing her flocks to play nicey-nice with aliens (demons) during the ---whatever the New Agers call it -- the convergence (?) to the "One World Higher Consciousness."

    Some think they are aliens, the New Agers think they are their "spirit guides" and "masters" from long ago who will return, etc. What they are going to be making nicey-nice with (when these beings manifest themselves) are nothing but ages-old rebellious angels a/k/a demons. Revelation gives a pretty good picture of all the "fun" these people are going to be having with their "spirit guides."

    So, if thing appears as a "physical manifestation of God"...would you believe it?

    No. The "signs and wonders" are for those who -- having rejected salvation by pure grace -- will by default come under the "strong delusion." (Without truth, there's nothing left but deception).

    The antichrist (and aliens and signs and wonders and holograms, and whatever "fireworks" displays the techno-satanic-elite want to gorge forth onto the world) will appear first before the Lord returns. The fake has to, and will, come first. Hence, the deception.

    Revelation says god will come to dwell with mankind. Do you think the JWs will buy this apparition?

    I don't think so... Last I heard JWs are still being taught the Lord's return was "invisible." Unless in the new "inhouse version" of the magazines they are slowly impregnating the minds of the JWs for some "new light" on the subject.

    As for Rev. 21, I'm pretty sure the "City of God" descends from heaven at the END of the 1,000 year reign of Christ, so it's not going to happen anytime soon anyway (the "real" thing, that is... Now a "counterfeit version" probably WILL happen... for the purpose of deception, as I keep repeating myself. ;-)

    2nd Thess. 2:9 -- " The coming of the [lawless one] is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness." - NKJV

    As for Shekinah being a new name for God... anything is possible with the Cabalists. They are also working toward a great deception and set-up to fool their "real" fellow Jews.


    And YES, I have on my HOLY SPIRIT "tin foil hat" for those who may wonder... Naa Naa Naa. We do not CARE if you do not believe in this stuff. We can discuss it anyway with or without the naysayers permission. ;-)

  • cameo-d
    The Vatican is preparing her flocks to play nicey-nice with aliens (demons) during the ---whatever the New Agers call it -- the convergence (?) to the "One World Higher Consciousness."

    Some think they are aliens, the New Agers think they are their "spirit guides" and "masters" from long ago who will return, etc. What they are going to be making nicey-nice with (when these beings manifest themselves) are nothing but ages-old rebellious angels a/k/a demons. Revelation gives a pretty good picture of all the "fun" these people are going to be having with their "spirit guides."

    Oh yeah. I forgot about the spirit guide crap. I think some of the buzz words to watch for are "transformation" "paradigm shift" "vibrational frequencies".

    The Jewish New Testament says 'Jesus is NOT returning; ya'll read it wrong!' Take a look at this:

    does the New Testament record the RETURN of YEHOVAH God's glory or "Shekinah" to this earth and to a NEW Temple in Jerusalem? Indeed it does, and in a passage that Christians (in their confusion) have taken to refer to the return of the Messiah for more than 1,700 years!! Incredible as it may seem, Satan has blinded millions over the centuries to the TRUE identity of the Person pictured in Revelation 19 --

    the One on the white horse leading the armies of heaven to this earth is YEHOVAH THE FATHER in His "Shekinah form -- NOT Yeshua the Messiah!

    Well! Have you ever????

    At least those alien angels know better than to impersonate Jesus! This should be futher proof that this old testament god is an evil entity!

    Abbagail: The antichrist (and aliens and signs and wonders and holograms, and whatever "fireworks" displays the techno-satanic-elite want to gorge forth onto the world) will appear first before the Lord returns. The fake has to, and will, come first. Hence, the deception.

    The fake (deception) has to come first; and that's just the way the scriptures lay it out. But look at how they have twisted the scriptures here below. (this info is from the New testament Jews):

    I think people will be in for a lot of confusion if they have not studied the scriptures!

    In order for the wedding feast of the Lamb (Yeshua the Messiah) to take place, the Messiah must FIRST return to this earth -- NOT afterwards as would be the case if Revelation 19 referred to the Messiah's return!

    In Titus 2:13 we are encouraged "to expect the blessed fulfillment of our CERTAIN HOPE, WHICH IS THE APPEARING OF THE SH'KHINAH OF OUR GREAT GOD AND the appearing of our Deliverer, Yeshua the Messiah" (Jewish New Testament). Verses 11-16 of Revelation 19 describe this eagerly awaited (by the early Christians) "Second Coming" of God's (YEHOVAH's) holy "Shekinah" -- NOT the Second Coming of the Messiah as millions have blindly assumed!

    This is funny to me because it just seems to prove my point that Jesus is no relation to this old testament god!

    The phrase "The Word of God" is thought by many to refer to Yeshua the Messiah -- and they try to link this phrase to the "logos" of John 1:1. However, there is absolutely NO justification for doing this. In fact, NOWHERE in the Bible does this phrase refer to Yeshua the Messiah! In most cases in the New Testament, "the word of God" refers to the message or words revealed through the writings of the Old Testament or Torah.

    Are JWs taught that the "Word" refers to Jesus?

    I think some of the christian churches are now teaching that Shekinah is the "Holy Spirit".

    Shekinah christian churches are staring to spring up now, too. It's not just a jewish thing.

    I am wondering when WT will start incorporating some of these teachings into their lit. ? I bet they will.

  • abbagail

    Sounds to me like that "Jewish" NT is preparing Messianic Jews for the great deception rather than vice versa. These articles may "shed some light"...

    Homepage under section:

    "THE SEMITIC NEW TESTAMENT ~ Messianics Reject the Greek New Testament"

    Which links to this article:


    Part 1:
    Part 2:

    Use your "Find" feature on the Part 2 page for "Shekinah" as there is a huge section re: Shekinah, Messianic Jews, Cabalism, etc.

    And you're right, worshipping the Holy Spirit -- vs. the One whom the HS glorifies -- is a big deal everywhere you look these days, basically it's a heresy. I don't recall specifically hearing Shekinah=Holy Spirit but it DOES sound familiar.

    As for WT and JWs, it's true they are game for "new light" so anything is possible, esp. if they get their training techniques from the Illuminati.


    BTW, new article posted about Svali being alive and well:

  • abbagail

    Oh yeah. I forgot about the spirit guide crap. I think some of the buzz words to watch for are "transformation" "paradigm shift" "vibrational frequencies".

    Ha, you're right! I've been at this so long I've forgotten half of what I've learned. Now that you mention it, the buzz words are all coming back. Indeed, paradigm shift is a biggie in all directions (economy, religion, etc.)

    Speaking of which, George Soros was on Bill Moyers the other night and he has a new book: "The New Paradigm for Financial Markets: The Credit Crisis of 2008 and What It Means." He also expressed desire for a "Better World Order."

    Re: religion: "Outcome-Based Religion: Apostasy, Purpose, and the Paradigm Shift" is another resource.

    "Vibrational frequencies" reminds me of Deepok Chopra, lol. Though really not funny. All the "brain wave entrainment" rave everyone is into, esp. the New Agers are selling this stuff like hotcakes, is setting up everybody's brain to be receptive to the "vibrations," etc. Also HAARP may be involved in that when the time is "ripe."

    And "transformation" another biggie code word... reminds me of Cathy O'Brian's book, TRANCE-FORMATION of AMERICA...

  • mustang
    The space craft was noisy and fiery just like our rockets today.

    Gross polluters, if in California


  • abbagail

    Is that "Jewish New Testament" the one by David H. Stern? I don't know anything about it but what I saw on their webpage: . Just wondering as I'll keep it in mind for future research. Though I'm already suspicious of it if those quotes are from it.

  • cameo-d

    The Shekinah, or "dwelling", or "bride", is also responsible for bestowing the "extra soul" to observers of Shabbat or Sabbath.

    When I hear "extra soul" the only thing that comes to mind is Aretha Franklin.

  • halcyon

    --The Hebrew word 'Shekinah' is never mentioned in the Bible.

    --Anytime the scriptures refer to an actual presence, face, descending of god...the word Shekinah is used.

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