The 'anointed' and Reality

by Honesty 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hamsterbait

    Hi Honesty -

    Thanks for this - still ajw_exelder predicted the changes to come in the 2008 Koolaid edition (Generation, and 1935) as a result of the actual figures published by the Witchtower. These show that they must have known the 1935 "closing door" claim was a lie all along, and they knew it.

    "of 27 006 then living, 39 804 are now DEAD. There fore Borganize, borganize Borganize the Thing and its Thingdumb."



  • Bubblie

    I was trying to explain the anointed to my therapist today. She just looked at me confused. Yes, thank you for those numbers. They make your head spin. How can this be? By the way you have a pm.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    BTW Bubble everyone with a single brain cell will give u that same funny look. And it doesn't get any better when u try to explain it to yourself.

    Good point on the die off rate of this group. They are supposed to be elderly. There must be a lot of those falling away in the faith to get that many new anointed one's. lol

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Honesty, you need to stop "thinking" and just trust the FDS. You would stop thinking these logical apostate thoughts if you simply would go out in field circus offering litteratrash all the time instead.

    B the X

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    They are a fictional group invented to maintain control over the sheeple. Even the watchtower has no real use for them when making decisions.

    Just knowing some of the annointed is enough to make you realize that something's not right. It is interesting to see them keep increasing rather than decreasing. Doesn't seem to matter to the jw believers. They will take whatever explanation the watchtower throws out there.

  • Farkel

    The "anointed" just "know" they are anointed. They don't know HOW they know, they just KNOW. They are not "overcome" by "Holy Spirit" (this is unfashionable in dubland), but they are "appointed" by Holy Spirit, but without any evidence of that happening which experience they could relate to others. Now, it was easier in the old days (pre-1935). They didn't have to explain anything. They were ALL anointed. End of discussion.

    The "door" was shut by JFR in 1935 for the anointed "class" and as stated in this thread was simply due to the fact that had he not created another "class" of people, the math wouldn't work from the time of Jesus until now for only 144,000 people to be "anointed." Jehovah's "will" was clarified by religious pragmatism. Thank Jehovah for Joseph Franklin Rutherford. Jehovah would have looked pretty stupid if the Judge hadn't intervened in Jehovah's behalf.

    Such a loose criterium for the magical process of "anointing" by Jehovah HisSelf lets every nutjob and wacko in dubland who couldn't make MS in fifty years (or mic-runner either) suddenly claim to be be anointed and start partaking to the shock of everyone! I saw that happen 35 years ago, and I'd bet it still happens today. WHO can question them? Oh, the self-righteous elders have their little F-Yous when they refer to those nutjobs as ones who "profess" to be of the anointed. Well, what anointed person DIDN'T "profess" to be of the anointed?

    A word of caution to all you "anointed" ones: you get to spend eternity "ruling" and jockying for power and position with the likes of such losers as Chuckie Russel, Grudge Rutherford, Nathan Homo Knorr, Clayton "Nutball" Woodworth, "Uncle" Miltie, "Braindead From Birth" Karl Klein, "Faggie" Ewart Chitty, "Faggie" Leo Greenlees, "The Destroyer" Albert Schroeder and other evil illuminaries from Watchtower history, all of whom are about as qualified to rule at the right hand of Jesus Christ as I am to say anything nice about the Watchtower Printing and Publishing Empire.


  • DoomVoyager

    In the 2008 Annual Meeting, anointed ones were told to siddown, shaddap and stop thinking they were allowed to have any say in organizational matters. (literally! it was extremely direct) Lately there has been a general trend to downplay the role of the anointed. I believe they are embarrassed by these inexplicable numbers so their solution is to make it seem unappealing to be anointed, therefore fewer people will "profess" as Farkel put it, and the numbers will fix themselves.

  • LongHairGal


    Your post made me laugh. I felt the same way about the anointed. In the early days before I knew what was going on I thought they were just showing loving attention to certain elderly ones because they were there for years, etc. I later came to learn that it was about these elderly persons' claims to being of this 'class' of people.

    I was also confused as to how they 'knew' they were. I was told it wasn't just a 'feeling'. It had to do with the fact that they were the first in an area to get the work going and how they were the only witnesses in the area at one time and they worked for years alone and faced opposition, etc., etc. I was told that anybody who professed to be anointed and did not have such a background was probably not really anointed. So, I guess according to this theory they do not think very highly of people today who profess to be anointed.

    I joined this religion under the claim that they had 'no clergy class'. But, what did I come to see but that they had all these kinds of 'classes' which were nothing more than clergy classes but under a different name and without the special costume.

    I also wondered what the actual purpose of the anointed in the congregations was or if they even had one. What was the point of their professing to be such a class? Was it to compel 'respect' from the people in the hall??? Nobody there was getting any special measure of respect from me.


  • sir82
    In the 2008 Annual Meeting, anointed ones were told to siddown, shaddap and stop thinking they were allowed to have any say in organizational matters. (literally! it was extremely direct) Lately there has been a general trend to downplay the role of the anointed. I believe they are embarrassed by these inexplicable numbers so their solution is to make it seem unappealing to be anointed, therefore fewer people will "profess" as Farkel put it, and the numbers will fix themselves.

    The only problem is, for decades they've been trumpeting about how "any and all anointed" = "faithful and discrete slave". What they would like is this equation instead: "a small subset of the anointed, the Governing Body and maybe a handful of others in the bullpen" = "faitthful and discrete slave".

    They are quit proficient at stretching Bible symbolism to meet their needs, but I think even they would be hard-pressed to find any scriptural justification for the idea of "a small subset of the anointed". So they are stuck with the wishy-washy assertion that "the F&DS are all anointed, but the GB are the only ones who really count".

    But for the guy who can figure out how to scripturally justify "FDS = GB only", though, I suspect there is a Governing Body seat just waiting for him!

  • sacolton

    All new anointed are just replacements. Whatever that means.

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