The 'anointed' and Reality

by Honesty 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Honesty

    When I was 5 years old all of the'anointed' JW's were at least 50 years old and there were less than 15,000 of them.

    Today, I am 55 years old and all of the'anointed' JW's are at least 50 years old and there are over 9,000 of them.

    Page 9 in the JANUARY 1, 1961 Watchtower magazine shows that in 1959 there were 14,511 memorial partakers worldwide in 1959 when I was 5 years old.

    Between the 1959 and the 1960 Memorial, 600 'anointed' JW's went to heaven and into the presence of God:




    there are more 'anointed' JW's now (2007 Worldwide Report = 9,105) than there were 10 years ago (1997 Worldwide Report = 8,795) and only 4,806less 'anointed' JW's than in 1959 when I was 5 years old.

    600 memorial partakers died in just one year between 1959 and 1960.

    At that rate, 28,800 memorial partakers would have died between 1960 and 2008.

    There were only 13,911 left on earth in 1960.

    Now for the NITTY GRITTY...

    How can the 'anointed' already chosen and already gone on, fall away while in heaven allowing the numbers on earth to increase and fill in the available spaces from those who died and went to heaven?

    Did some Jehovah's Witnesses have a change of heart and decide heaven was not for them even after being in the presence of God?????

    If the numbers are sealed in heaven as the Watchtower Society teaches; the numbers for the living memorial partakers should BE DECREASING and NOT INCREASING....      alt

    UNLESS you can definitely say the 'anointed' JW's who are in heaven have fallen away!!

    If 'anointed' JW's who are in heaven have fallen away to allow the spectacular increases over the past 50 years where are they now since thay were granted immortality when they died, left the earth and went into the very presence of God?   

    Can any JW even attempt to explain this?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    "Can any JW even attempt to explain this?"

    No because u are the devil and the devil is the father of the lie and by introducing this bible based conversation u have transformed yourself into an angel of light so u can deceive weak ones and lead them off to destruction by demanding exclusive devotion.

    Lol I can't believe I used to think that

    Thanks for the numbers, it's always good to see how the math never computes. So much for education

  • Honesty

    A JW's typical response will consist of saying something like "It is not given for you to know this truth", followed by them telling us how we are enemies of God and Jesus and our father is da debbil.

    You know, the usual babble, bullshit and circular reasoning that they are famous for.

  • Kosonen

    The Bible really speaks of anointed christians, it is a fact. They will even be taken from every nation. They have a mission to give spiritual food to other sheep. But evidently the anointed ones in the GB do not understand many things about the perpose of the anointed ones.

  • Honesty
    The Bible really speaks of anointed christians, it is a fact. They will even be taken from every nation. They have a mission to give spiritual food to other sheep. But evidently the anointed ones in the GB do not understand many things about the perpose of the anointed ones.

    True. However, the so called anointed ones in the GB are frauds and carnival barkers who are beating the other sheep instead of feeding them.

  • Sasha

    Does not all 144,000 have to be dead first before the end? (in Jw's theory)

  • iloowy

    Sasha you wrote:

    > Does not all 144,000 have to be dead first before the end? (in Jw's theory)

    In latest WT theorizing... NO. There may be anointed who will be around even after Armageddon.


  • Kosonen

    Honesty, you said it well, that they beat the sheep instead of feeding them. It's conforting to know that it has been predicted to happen. Forexample Ezekiel chap 34 descibes this well. You can convienently check this on the wt-onlinebible

  • Vachi 8 He Is
    Vachi 8 He Is

    And why again does Jerkovah need 144,000 to help spread a food or help rule over those who have already survived Har-dee-har-har-meggedon and are Jerkovah's Witlesses?

  • hamsterbait

    I researched this at Christmas.

    The death rate of the annointed is actually HIGHER than you could expect of any demographic group.

    More die per thousand each year than among the elderly, the young the sick etc.

    So in REAL terms their numbers are actually increasing rapidly. If the Witchtower released the numbers of annointed DYING each year we could accurately say by how much. These posts show how I calculated the number of so-called annointed and how the numbers just DO NOT ADD UP.

    The problem of course started in 1919, when the numbers began increasing, and instead of dealing with it adequately then, Booze Rutherford put the problem off, by inventing the mythical "Earthly Class" of Christians. (Incidentally cancelling the scripture "ONE hope ONE faith ONE baptism")

    Now the Gibbering Buddy are facing the same problem: the annointed are not dying out at all - but actually increasing exponentially, a fact disguised by the increasing number of ancient fossils dying off at present.

    Their deceit of 1931 is coming back to bite them in the A$$ BIG BIG TIME.


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