Is there a breaking point for JW?

by BonaFide 24 Replies latest jw friends


    There will always be Hard Core JW`..It won`t matter what the WBT$ does..They will remain loyal to the death..Worry about yourself for now..You can help the ones who want to be helped later....................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    There have been so many failed prophecies 1879 1914 1925 1975..... I really don't know what it would take! I'm amazed it's still going.

  • ldrnomo

    Here is my take on that question after being an elder for 22 years and a Jdub for 28 years.

    The majority of the dubs are just in it because it's the religion they were born into. They don't really pay much attention to the crap being spewed at the meetings or the literature (they don't really even read that) they just put on the show).

    Unless one of that group is personally affected by somthing that happens they won't break they'll just keep doing whatever it is they do.

    Then there are those that do pay attention and do try to follow all the changes and teachings of the bORG those people are so blinded by the cult or so involved through friends, and family that even if they see somthing that is totallly wierd they won't speak up no they will "wait on Jehovah to change things" just like they've been waiting for the last 30 years

    So to summerize, some will reach a breaking point as I did but most will just go on and on because it's the only thing they know and they have been dumbed down so much they won't be able to excersize their ability to think.


  • Quandry

    Good question, BonaFide

    It wasn't really the doctrinal issues that got my family out, but I think for me it was a matter of time.

    For so many years, I read the inside of the Awake that wanted to build my confidence that those who were alive and at an age of understanding in 1914 would be here to see the big A. Then, without fanfare, the wording was changed to the generation that was alive in 1914, then, the generation change in 1995. I was unneasy, feeling something not right. No one else seemed to be concerned, but I couldn't understand why just when the "annointed" were all getting too old to keep explaining away, this "new light" came along. Also, the nethinim "helping" the annointed was not really solving the problem of how Armageddon wasn't coming when they were SO SURE for so long.....

    This, along with the fact that I was there in 1975, was really making me suspicious and upset. I went on the web, and the rest, as they say, is history.

  • flipper

    BONAFIDE- I truly believe if there was a major scandal at the top in Bethel like some members of the governing body arrested for child abuse or financially extorting money from people ( which they do anyway ) and it hit the major network media on television then it might pry loose some witnesses who are sitting on the fence. But for some of these witness clones- they are so mind controlled , nothing will change them

  • caliber

    There can be explosions all around but only implosions (things reaching the heart and mind )

    can bring down the organizational structure. What is it in each of us individually that can do

    this ? A death, a loss ..a stabbing in the back .. realizing lies...? who can say !

    The power of the mind protects all til we release it of our own will and intent !


  • stillajwexelder

    another major scandal similar to the Child Abuse thing would be the straw tha broke the camels back

  • confusa

    BonaFide, What is really going on? And what keeps you in the org?

  • XxJazzxX

    Hey guys. Its been a while. Been busy coping with life. Although i havent logged in for some time, i've been catching up with the board(ie, its closing down soon).

    But anyways, I hope there will be a breaking point for my wife. She's DFed, been rejected by the elders(and still have faith in her return), tried taking her to church, comparing her NWT to my NIV version of the bible(I should be using the KJV), even explained to her how most celebrations and holidays have pagan origin and some are accepted in the bible...unfortunately, nothing worked since shes been a JW all her life. But I have one more shot at it

    If i start taking my daughter to church with me, then she will blow up. I'm risking the fact that my daughter might grow up confused, but I'd rather have my daughter tell me what she want instead of someone else choosing for her.

  • iloowy

    Hey Passwordprotected you wrote:
    > when you say Christians are you including JWs in that,
    > because they're not Christians. Just thought you'd like to know.

    I consider myself a Christian, and I'm still a Jehovah's Witness
    by association. For you to make a blanket statement like that
    and not base it on any evidence seems at best very short sighted
    and quite condemnating. I disagree with your opinion and would
    add that anyone declaring others who believe themselves to be
    Christians not to be such is overstepping their authority in
    Christ. Let Christ be the judge of it.

    (just couldn't let you get away with that snide remark, bro.)

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