God or no God? I really don't know anymore.

by easyreader1970 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    God spelt backwards is DOG.........think about that next time you buy the cheaper dog food!

  • caliber
    God spelt backwards is DOG

    Thankfully for us however God is not dyslexic... it's only one of the problems we have

    in getting our thoughts clear on earth here below !


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Debate is to truth as the

    Legal System is to justice.

    Debate is a sport. Live, real-time debates are probably the least likely to reveal anything resembling truth. Online debates with plenty of time to formulate a response are better.

    Here's one of the best I've read to date.


    It's between a former Catholic priest (Andrew Sullivan) and some guy named Sam Harris.

    Neither one seems as extremely intent on "winning" as I've seen in most debates.


  • inkling
    Debate is a sport.

    Debate is to truth finding as Fencing is to sword fighting

  • inkling
    It's between a former Catholic priest (Andrew Sullivan) and some guy named Sam Harris.

    reading the exchange at the moment. Its really good.

    Thank you for the link.


  • chappy

    In any discussion about the existence of God skeptics demand PROOF. There's certainly nothing wrong with demanding proof, it's just the degree of proof that seems to be a roadblock to many skeptics. Proof of anything is relative. I'm not certain that ABSOLUTE proof exists for anything. Much of it depends on the mindset of the individual. For example, in the case of the existence of God I feel that the persons desire for it to be true or not changes the degree of proof desired. If an individual just doesn't like the IDEA of a superior being that he or she may be in some sort of subjection to, I wonder just how much proof would be required? It's fairly common on the atheist discussion boards for hardliners to openly state that there is NO proof that they would accept for the existence of God. "How would you know that even if "god" showed himself and demonstrated miracles that it wasn't just some clever, highly advanced alien being masquerading as "god""? I have found that many people in this category could never be convinced no matter how much proof/evidence is presented. If you're happily married, the assumption that your spouse loves you is very easy to accept. This assumption isn't based on indisputable ABSOLUTE proof, it's the evidence that convinces us. Think about it; could you PROVE, with 100% accuracy that your spouse truly does loves you? There are examples of marriages lasting many years where one spouse knows without a doubt that their partner loves them, only to find out after losing all of their money that it had all been a ruse put on by their partner in order to have financial security or get their hands on money or other selfish need. As long as just ONE case like this has ever happened anywhere in the world, then ABSOLUTE, scientific proof of love in ANY marriage is impossible. So what proof, if any, could convince you of the existence of God? chappy

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