The Republicans WILL get back in! An October Surprise is coming!

by yadda yadda 2 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    You can guarantee there will be an October Surprise that will scare the US public into voting Bush mark II in, John McCain.

    Its going to be one of the following (or a slight variation thereof):

    • Another Bin Laden message, like we saw a few days before the 2004. Bin Laden's fortuitous appearance swung the vote in favour of Bush, something now widely admitted.
    • An assassination of a prominent European leader like the British PM, Brown.
    • More likely, it will be an attack on Iran by Israel which will provoke Iran and Hezbollah into retaliating against Israel, which will serve as a pretext for the US to help defend Israel, and the American brainwashed public will of course vote for a strong, military leader like John McCain.
    • Or it will just be Hezbollah alone, who are now armed to the teeth courtesy of Iran, to start firing a few missiles into Israel on the eve of the election...same scenario ensues as above.

    The US people are totally brainwashed and will vote on FEAR OF TERRORISM every time now...all that has to be done is to trigger that primal fear again and McCain will sweep in, just like the most stupid and worst US President there ever was unbelievably did in 2004. The financial crisis will quickly be forgotten when the October Surprise happens.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Sounds like some highly speculative theory though doesn't, here is another thought if Bin Laden was to make an appearance again and make threats

    the American public may turn against the Republican party for not resolving the problem in the first place.

    There are so many negatives that has grown out of that party from past and recently I would be very surprised if they got back in.

    With the recent financial crisis appearing right now this is going to be fresh in the peoples minds come vote day, it would seem now

    that the voters are going to very critical on who they put in office this time since their last vote was very disappointing.

  • SacrificialLoon

    October surprise possibilities:
    Palin has a Janet Jackson moment on live TV. Cements hold on "Joe Six Pack" vote.
    McCain has a Janet Jackson moment on live TV. Joe six pack demographic abandons Republican ticket, but the retired log cabin Republicans rally behind McCain.
    Obama has a Janet Jackson moment on Live TV after McCain's. Log cabin Republicans abandon McCain ticket.
    Biden has a Janet Jackson moment on live TV. Wins over the 65+ coal miner widows demographic.

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    An October surprise can be about any candidate. There might be proof that Palin is actually McCain's secret love child. Or McCain is the Muslim. Or McCain actually tortured North Vietnamese in Hanoi not the other way around. The possibilities are endless.

  • StAnn

    What about that guy (in PA, I think) who filed a lawsuit, saying Obama isn't an American Citizen, was born in Africa, and his birth certificate is fake? If that actually turned out to be true, who would be the Democratic nominee at the eleventh hour?


  • zeroday

    THE October suprise is the New York Times front page news..."Totally unsubstantiated rumor McCain had an affair with a staffer" or sorry that's been about this..."Obama chums with known American Terrorist William Aryes"... nah the public would never buy it...BUT Palin did have her 15 year old daughters baby...

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I wouldn't be surprised to see a terrorist message released close to the election. It did happen last time and helped shift attention to national security and Bush won.

  • jaguarbass

    W. should call in his favors with Bin then. He should say Bin I'm going to stop protecting you unless you rattle the sword and make some threats so my man Mcbush can get elected.

  • buffalosrfree

    John Kerry was and is a dufus, his so called celebrated service in the USN is in my estimation BS. Officers in the USN especially those in the river patrol boats were able to put themselves in for medals just as they were in normal times. Now isn't that something. Yes Kerry served his country for bit, then went on to sale out all those in the military serving in Vietnam by labeling them as "baby killers" etc. His behavior is dispeciable (spelling) He lost my vote just becuase he was the nominee. I had voted for Gore against my better judgement when he ran, thank god that idiot wasn't elected.

    I haven't now nor never will vote for someone because he belongs to a specific party. After all I even voted for Jimmy Carter (another dufus unfortunately). Unlike most voters today, who vote only for party affiliation.

  • beksbks

    Buffalos, you need to wake up and get reading mister.

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