Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-05-08 WT Study (LOYAL LEAVE)

by blondie 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82
    Therefore, even if we as individuals do not fully understand a certain position taken by the slave class, that is no reason for us to reject it or return to Satan's world. Instead, loyalty will move us to act humbly and wait on Jehovah to clarify matters.

    My favorite line.

    Like, when they make completely & utterly nonsensical policy decisions ("blood fractions are acceptable, unless they are these particular blood fractions, which are is a sin to donate or store your own blood for surgery, but it's perfectly acceptable to take advantage of dozens of others who have donated their blood to make up enough of a particular fraction for you")...

    ...the problem is you - it's your fault for not "understanding".

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More


    "Jehovah's Witnesses have never believed that the Kingdom of God will be on earth."
    (The Watchtower, April 1, 1985, p.30)

    Is this for real?? I will have to look this up tonight to verify, unless anyone can post a scan. If true, THIS IS DYNAMITE. Still can't believe it, but nothing surprises me now. Thanks for pointing that out...

  • blondie

    No scan but more in context:

    *** w85 4/1 pp. 29-30 Turkish Court Sends Jehovah’s Witnesses to Prison ***For example, as supposed evidence of guilt, the prosecution used a statement from the Directorate of Religious Affairs. In this statement, Jehovah’s Witnesses are labeled as "a crazy Christian movement" that has "no prophets and no special holy book." On the contrary, Jehovah’s Witnesses are known as a very sane, law-abiding, peaceful society of people. And they most assuredly have a prophet—Jesus Christ—who, incidentally, even Muslims acknowledge as a prophet. And they need no other "special holy book," for they already have one—the Holy Bible, which is "inspired of God."—2 Timothy 3:16.

    It was also claimed that Jehovah’s Witnesses do not accept "the existent nations and states and their national boundaries." This, too, is totally false. Their religion specifically requires them to "be in subjection to the superior [governmental] authorities" and all the laws that do not conflict with God’s laws. That is what the Bible says to do.—Romans 13:1; Acts 5:29.

    In addition, the Directorate of Religious Affairs claimed that Jehovah’s Witnesses engage in an activity "to establish a Bible-based religious order over the entire world," and that God’s Kingdom would be established between the "Euphrates and Nile" rivers. This statement tries to prove that Jehovah’s Witnesses would change the established political order in Turkey, since the Euphrates River passes through Eastern Turkey.

    That is another totally false charge. Jehovah’s Witnesses have never believed that the Kingdom of God will be on earth. Instead, they have always taught that it will be a heavenly rule. So it could not possibly be located in any part of Turkey.—Matthew 4:17; 6:9, 10.

    Blondie: The WTS tries to have it both ways, teach that the governments are going to end but not by their own hand; but they are supporting the end of the governments.

  • garybuss

    Ask a Witness sometime . . . what's the difference between "The Kingdom of God", and "God's Kingdom".

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Blondie, thanks for the context.

    garybuss - very interesting...good question...something to think about

    Could it be these Jehovah's Witnesses are worse than lawyers when it comes to semantics? Curiouser and curiouser! (as Alice in Wonderland used to say) - nothing is as it seems....

  • blondie
    *** w92 3/15 p. 5 What God’s Kingdom Can Mean to You ***Clearly, then, the Kingdom of God is a divinely instituted heavenly government. The Kingdom is not the church, and the Scriptures do not allow for a secular view of it. Furthermore, a God-given government could not be something merely within a person’s heart. Since God’s Kingdom is a government, it does not become something in our heart when we embrace Christianity.

    Hey Gary, never heard the WTS officially make a distinction; nor do I remember doing so myself or hearing others. What do jws in your area use as an explanation of their being a difference between "the Kingdom of God" and "God's Kingdom"?


  • DoomVoyager

    Excellent as always. The slave-worship here is mind boggling. I can't wait to see Billy's comments next week! w00t!

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