OJ Simpson...GUILITY!!!!!!!!!!

by zeroday 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • DaCheech

    i have no problem with this.

    the only exception is: I think more of those sleazebags in the courtroom should be jailed.... including the ones that profited from oj's hotel room romp

  • beksbks

    Wow, some kind of justice is actually served. I work in the Library, and I've had his book go through my hands in the last few months. It's horrible and disgusting. I'm happy to see he is going to pay for something, even if it's not the crime he should pay for. I'm sure the Brown family is relieved.

  • free2beme

    Justice finally served a little!

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    They messed up the old double homicide trial - he should have gone free.

    He lost the wrongful death suit - he should have.

    He lost this trial - hey, they set his ass up, but he bit the hook.

  • bud2114

    A lot of OJ haters out there in JWD land. I see it as not so clear cut as everyone makes it. In my humble opinion the only thing OJ is guilty of is EXTREME STUPIDITY. Who else but a complete idiot would have fallen into the trap set by the greedy sleaze bags he was with? Anyone can see the whole incident was a complete set-up by these men (gutter-trash looking for crumbs off OJ's noteriety) that he stupidly went along with (there is no way OJ is smart enough to think this thing up). The case would never have gone to trial if it were anyone else, believe me. $210,000 for the tape? Thats not chicken change.

    Any idiot would have smelled a rat long before they were suckered into going to that nice hotel (security cameras - hello!) and storming into that room were everything was recorded. I mean if you are going to do something like this you pick some dive out on the outskirts of town that nobody frequents and you plan a bit better. Stupid, OJ, when you know you must stay beneath the radar when public opinion is so against you after what happened 13 years ago.

    As far as the conviction, where was the defense? OJ not called as a witness? No plea bargain attempt for OJ? And what about the jury selection? In my state the defense attorney approves the selection of the jury and dismisses any he doesn't feel comfortable with. How could OJ's defense allow for this jury to be made up of mostly white women? I haven't come across a single white woman in 13 years that doesn't hate OJ and doesn't think that he got away with murder 13 years ago. I tell you it was a done deal once the jury selected. Anyone who says that OJ's prior acquittal had nothing to do with this verdict is kidding themselves.

    The reason he was acquitted earlier is that there were no witnesses and no physical evidence linking OJ to the crime (the glove didn't shrink, OJ would have never bothered to wear gloves if this was a crime of passion like we were led to believe). The whole prosecution case was built on OJ's possible motive and his flimsy alibi. Again, that case should have never gone to trial and wasted a year of everyone's life and a lot of tax payer's money. Sure, OJ had motive and a history of jealous behavior, but he didn't do it - he's too stupid to make sure there were no witnesses or to make sure he covered his tracks. The man's IQ is what, 98? Not the sharpest tool in the shed. This latest case just shows the level of OJ's stupidity and proves that in no way he could be personally involved in the earlier crime.

    Now for the sentencing. If the judge had any sense they would look at the incident properly and not biased like the jury, the prosecution, the Nevada detectives, the Nevada police, and everyone else associated with the case. Not likely though, the judge is a white woman. Too bad OJ. Have a nice life.

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