Does anyone else find this scripture hilarious/humorous ?

by StoneWall 7 Replies latest social humour

  • StoneWall

    Numbers 25:1 "Now Israel was dwelling in Shit'tim. Then the people started to have immoral relations with the daughters of Mo'ab"

    It's like I can almost hear Beavis and Butthead laughing and saying he said they were dwelling in Shit'tim.

    And who knows if we were dwelling in Shit'tim we might be tempted to have immoral relations with the daughters of Mo'ab thinking it can't get no worse than what we in right now... LOL


  • caliber

    Tee hee hee.... tee hee hee ...tee hee hee .... what do you think ?

  • DoomVoyager
  • Dagney

    Now I do!

  • dinah

    There were several scriptures that used to crack me up. The one about coveting your neighbor's ass is one. Oh there were a whole bunch of them, I just can't remember them right now.

  • Satanus

    Balaam smites his ass.


  • DoomVoyager

    I always loved the one at Genesis 30:37, wherein Jehoober displays his vast knowledge of Mendelian genetics:

    "Then Jacob took for his use staffs still moist of the storax tree and of the almond tree and of the plane tree and peeled in them white peeled spots by laying bare white places which were upon the staffs. Finally the staffs that he had peeled he placed in front of the flock, in the gutters, in the water drinking troughs, where the flocks would come to drink, that they might get into a heat before them when they came to drink.Consequently the flocks would get in heat before the staffs, and the flocks would produce striped, speckled and color-patched ones."

    Or Exodus 33:22, where Jehoober gives Moses a Divine Mooning:

    "And it has to occur that while my glory is passing by I must place you in a hole in the rock, and I must put my palm over you as a screen until I have passed by. 23 After that I must take my palm away, and you will indeed see my back. But my face may not be seen."

    Furthermore, according to SAB, the hebrew word translated here as "glory" is also used as a slang reference to male genitalia. So Jehoober's gigantic cosmic weenie was just too much for Moses to see, but his arse was A-OK.

  • LDH
    I always loved the one at Genesis 30:37, wherein Jehoober displays his vast knowledge of Mendelian genetics:

    I just snort laughed. OMG this thread's funny.

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