I would like to know your opinion.

by Anti-Christ 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    there isn't any way to get through life without pissing off a lot of people. So go ahead and piss them off. I believe in offending people early and often until they get the point. Doesn't mean I'm mean to them, I just keep stating my point until they get it. If they find that offensive, it isn't my problem. It didn't take long with my mother. I only told her once that I didn't want to hear it any more, she got the point.

  • Anti-Christ

    You are all great, thanks for your input.

    Your mother-in-law needs to understand that to you, the needs of your child come before her wishes. Keep reminding her until she gets it.

    Me and the Mrs were talking about this a lot yesterday. My MIL said to my SIL that she does not understand why all of her children are not interested in the truth any more, she did her best to raise them in it. She can not accept that we can be happy outside of the JW. I think she is taking it personal and thinks she did something wrong.

    there isn't any way to get through life without pissing off a lot of people. So go ahead and piss them off. I believe in offending people early and often until they get the point. Doesn't mean I'm mean to them, I just keep stating my point until they get it. If they find that offensive, it isn't my problem. It didn't take long with my mother. I only told her once that I didn't want to hear it any more, she got the point.

    I totally agree. I think it's difficult to go against the "programme" of trying and keep the peace. I think that I'm over it but some times I realise that some of it is still dormant inside. I think it's worst when it comes to my wife's family, I don't want to do anything to disturb the already fragile relationship my wife has with her mom, my wife says that her mother does not really now her so there is not much to lose, sad. It's funny my MIL would freak out if she would realise that it's my wife that first showed me the lies of the WT.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Can't you just make it short, sweet and simple? Be brief. Be emphatic. Tell them you have it all under control. Tell your daughter's religious upbringing is your responsibility and yours only. Oh yes and that you appreciate her kind and well meant concern.

  • MissingLink

    Get it over with now. Don't let her get her hopes up of the possibility of having a little dubbie 5 year old grandchild giving "bible readings". YOU are the parent now. She's gotta respect you.

  • Anti-Christ
    Can't you just make it short, sweet and simple? Be brief. Be emphatic. Tell them you have it all under control. Tell your daughter's religious upbringing is your responsibility and yours only. Oh yes and that you appreciate her kind and well meant concern.

    Yeah I tried that but the problem is that it does not work because they expect you to respect their belief but it does not apply the other way around and if I don't make it clear that I don't want this to be discussed in front of my daughter well my MIL will think that it's up for debate and it's not. With most JW, WT doctrine can be taught to a child with out the parents consent. I think Missing link sum it up pretty well

    Get it over with now. Don't let her get her hopes up of the possibility of having a little dubbie 5 year old grandchild giving "bible readings". YOU are the parent now. She's gotta respect you.

    Me and the Mrs have decided that we will talk to her mother as soon as possible to make everything clear. I doubt that it will end with that but I think we must do this for everything to be as clear as possible.

  • digderidoo

    I find it insulting that JW's equate being a good parent to being a JW.

    How many times did we hear from the platform that to be a good parent we must provide the spiritual nourishment as well as the physical. This they go on to say means bring them to the meetings, take them out on service, give them bible studies, etc. etc. What a load of BS.

    I personally was so frowned upon as being a bad parent when i was fading. I even had one elder tell me that i needed to start being a good father. As i had only just started to fade at the time i didn't have the balls to stand up to the bloke.

    It infuriates me to think that these people stand so judgemental on the parenting skills of those who choose not to follow this bastard of a religion.



    Tell your MIL your going to raise your child as you see fit........And..To go to McDonalds and order a "Shut the F*ck up Burger!"...........If that doese`nt work..Bury her in the back yard..LOL!!...................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Anti-Christ
    I find it insulting that JW's equate being a good parent to being a JW.

    This is something that bugs me too.

    Tell your MIL your going to raise your child as you see fit........And..To go to McDonalds and order a "Shut the F*ck up Burger!"...........If that doese`nt work..Bury her in the back yard..LOL!!................... ...OUTLAW

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