Where Are We At Precisely?

by Celtic 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoneWolf

    Seeker4 --- greetings from the old days over on H2O!

    I don't mean to hurt your feelings on your observations, as I thoroughly understand your feelings and impressions, but I couldn't disagree with you more.

    I feel like the airforce in that I see a "target rich area" and have so many ways to come at them that I don't know which one to try first. Picture a kid in a candy store, and you will get the idea.

    Over in the other thread I've mentioned a series of posts that I'm working on that will greatly enlarge on this. I'm probably going to post them under the heading of "Ruminations on the Whole WTBTS Mess", or something like that.

    Believe me, I've been in situations just like this before, with odds just as great, and the effects were huge and downright shocking in their effectiveness. Keep your chin up, bub.


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