Where Are We At Precisely?

by Celtic 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celtic

    Can anyone define clearly where exactly we are at in our various campaigning activities against the WTBTS from an overall sociological perspective?

    Is it the case, that presently under current tactics, we are not doing all that we could be doing to get the Society to change their direction upon certain key issues? I'm not knocking the worthwhile jobs that many are doing, I'm just questioning the effectiveness of current rating of status quo.

    What more could we be doing as a body of campaigners? Are we doing everything within our power, socially including all our available resources and/or possible action plans?

    I'm still more in favour of organising non violent, peaceful direct action, if anyone is interested, please feel free to get in touch.



  • ashitaka

    We're helpless against the juggernaught, Mark. Big brother wins again.


  • Mum

    I have informed some of my friends and co-workers about some of the things I have learned here. They will pass along the word to their other associates. They will be asking local witnesses who knock on their door such questions as, "Aren't you the people who harbor child molestors?" or "Can you explain why Laree Slack is dead?" or "Why do you come knocking on my door but won't speak to me on the internet?"

    I have also offered to speak in their respective churches. No takers, so far.

    When I retire (about 5 more years, I hope) I might become more activist.


    Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. - Horace

    I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. - Dorothy Dix

  • Celtic

    Thats a load of baloney ashi, complete rot and you know it, do you have anything further useful to add, come on man, use your imagination?!!

  • 25ashitaka25

    Sorry mark, the heart is heavy.

    well, we could throw balogna mayo on them...give them plastic dog shite sandwhiches with a M-80 garnish.....

    Or we could all unite and stand as one against the people who've oppressed us. I could stand and speak, and use my voice to sway people to stop the juggernaught. I would love to write speeches for people, and give them myself....march thousands to the front doors of the watchtower and expose all their wrongs. March and speak; we'd be on every news organization in the U.S. It would highlight everything that the WTBTS has done, and then some.

  • Celtic

    Now we're talking!! Why couldn't you say that first time around? This is also more of what I have in mind.

    Direct action is the only way we are going to get them to adjust their organisational view, and if it hasn't thusfar been accomplished one way, perhaps this direct approach, standing on their doorstep, with banners and drums plus whistles etc and TV/media interest networking, just perhaps a lot more could be done.

    Is there anyone else prepared to stand up for their rights? Utilising current and forming communication technologies to our favour, rather than 'allowing' this 'juggernaut' to sway upon its present course unchallenged.

    Any other views? Cheers Ashi.



  • Seeker4

    Sorry. I don't believe that in any way are you going to get the WTS to "adjust its organizational views." Hasn't happened and won't happen.

    What can be done? What Silentlambs and a few others have done - get the word out into the media about what the WTS is really like. Websites like Randy's and several others provide places for people investigating the Witnesses to find a wealth of source material. Discussion boards like this give folks an arena in which to vent and to express themselves as they heal after leaving the WTS.

    Organizing large demonstrations would also garner a good bit of publicity.

    But none of this will result in any real organizational changes. The best scenario for the WTS is that it will die a long, slow death from lack of growth. Many current Witnesses will remain such. The majority of active friends are clueless about the pedophilia problem, the UN/NGO, blood and organizational changes. Probably not one in a hundred Witnesses that I know of has ANY idea that these things are going on.

    Inform the world about the WTS - and don't worry about creating change in the Org. Ain't going to happen.

  • JT


    you are on the money

    to spend time trying to help jw is much harder since they are indoctrinated each day they read the days text

    but on the other hand NONJW are able to be helped
    you see the problem is simple--while studing with jw no one knows what questions to ask in order to see the real side of the smiling happy jw sitting in your living room

    by the time you know what questions to ask - it is too late and you are now a baptized jw and it;s too late-

    so by working with non jw they will know what to ask and they will get the reaction you want from the jw - they will freak--

    you see when a nonjw ask certain questions the jw will respond in the manner they have been trained

    the avg jw has never conducted a study where the person could ask real WT flip flop dogma changes, blood, alternative service, dates, etc, the the best part is they have NEVER BEEN ASKED TO READ SOMETHING

    you see this is what i do - when the nonjw see the reaction of a jw who is asked to read something off the NET that is a direct quote from the WT publications and they freakout THE Nonjw knows something in wrong when a person will not even read thier own printed material just becasue it came off the net

    i love it and the exp that nonjw relate to me about the reaction of jw at thier door or in thier home when asked to read about Transplants or dates- it is funny to watch

    so to me i don't worrry about jw too much thier minds have been conditioned so much to me it is almost a waste of time esp if you are talking about seeing results right away

    my mother in law reads almost everything on this site and will say

    Yes the apostates are right ,but i'm waiting on jah to clean things up

    and it is that mindset that despite having info right in front of them they will stay in wt till they die

    how sad

  • conflicted

    Great Idea Ashitaka!

    [quote]well, we could throw balogna mayo on them...[/qoute]

    Kinda reminds me of the assembly food slavery, er service, that we've all done at some point.

    C'mon guys! Throw those sammiches!

  • Celtic

    Appreciate your point Seeker, maybe you are right. However, I have to know that I am doing my best and thusfar by internet alone, I'm not happy that we are being effective enough, I really don't want the internet, in its enormous transforming vastness, to be the only effective tool, when I know for a fact that there are many others. Campaigning on their doorstep is sure to generate further media interest uptake if only we were a bit more organised collectively in our combined overall activities.


    [email protected]

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