I will bet $100,000

by John Doe 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    chuckle all you want

  • str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up
  • free2think


    You should win the $100,000 for your posts! You gave me a much needed chuckle this evening!!!

    Me too, thanks FS, I definitely think you deserve the money.

  • str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up
    str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up
    "...Also people think that just because I am good looking, that I shouldn't have any problems. I have had problems galore in my life..."

    I'm still stuck on this.

  • free2think
    "...Also people think that just because I am good looking, that I shouldn't have any problems. I have had problems galore in my life..."

    I'm still stuck on this.

    Me too Str8?, me too.

  • Satanus

    'I may look dumb,'

    'I am good looking,'

    Do you look dumb or good? You obviously have a serious conflict going about your image. Get help.


  • Junction-Guy

    I look great, no conflict about that.

  • RubaDub

    Yes, it would be extremely unlikely that McCain would be President in November but not impossible.

    One possibility: VP Chaney could resign for health reasons (or die).

    Bush could appoint McCain as VP (it has to have congressional approval but normally happens quickly).

    Then, if for whatever reason Bush could no longer maintain the office of President, McCain would be President.

    Unlikely, yes.

    But then so are lottery winners.

    Rub a Dub


    No-one will be president in "Novermber".

  • sir82

    No no, JG has a point.

    I mean look at me. Handsome as all get out, but do you think that matters to the McDonald's clerk?

    Let me answer for you - heck no! I've still got to shell my $4.69 for value meal #8 just like the homely schlub in line in front of me!

    I tell ya, you'd think I could get a supersize or sumpin' for my dazzling white grin & wavy hair.

    And then people make fun of me for choice of headgear! I tell ya, there's no justice in this world.

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