I cannot "unprove" every single wild-side 911 theory...

by james_woods 35 Replies latest social current

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Yeah sorry about that. I didn't word my response to you very well.

    But your point is well taken. Why not think a conspiracy for the 1993 attack? And, as you said, why not attack a military base, or something else?

    You would think something that happened in front of hundreds of millions of people watching on television would be an open and shut matter.

  • Gill

    When we saw refugees fleeing from apparant Serb bombing during the horrific Bosnian war, they were not always fleeing from Serbs. They were also fleeing from NATO bombing. The media conveniently did not inform us of this.

    Thing is, we were told to believe otherwise.....and so we did.

    Eventually, the truth will out......whether we like the truth or not!

    Typical example is the current problem with Russia. I don't agree with the killing that Russia did in going into South Ossetia, but they did step in to stop Georgian aggression instead of waiting for 2 years for the Useless Nations to decide to do something about genocide.

    But everything is being corrupted and twisted.

    I also believe I am not the only one who swallows the total hypocritical bull shit that our governments are attempting to spoon feed us.

    Mr Milliband, UK Foreign Secretaty, said that in the 21st Century we do not solve our problems by invading other countries.

    Does this man really believe we are all brain dead?!

    The UK and the US IINVADED AND ARE STILL OCCUPYING Iraq and Afghanistan!

    Our govenments are run by insane people for insane ends!

    The are all liars and bull shitters!

    We may not be able to stop them in their insane plans, but we don't have to believe anything they say!

  • inrainbows


    Yah ok the totally new never before seen thermal expansion theory is now at play for people that want to believe the non conspiracy crowd . We can always make up new laws of physics to explain away everything .

    Make some sense if you want to be taken seriously.


    You've ether not bothered to look for independent experts or are incacable of finding them online; as you can find conspiracist rubbish the latter is not a convincing explanation. As has already been proven, there is independent verification of the official version. As you, despite claiming an interest in the subject, are ignorent of this, you make if obvious you are not capable of informed comment about the subject.

    And no confidence was betrayed in james wood's email. You made public who the egoistical fanatic demanding attention for their monomanical world was.

  • Caedes
    Yah ok the totally new never before seen thermal expansion theory is now at play for people that want to believe the non conspiracy crowd . We can always make up new laws of physics to explain away everything .

    Heathen, what is it about thermal expansion of metal that is a new theory? (I assume you are using theory in the laymans sense rather than the scientific sense)

    Thermal expansion of metals is a well understood behaviour of metal, so much so that the difference in the expansion rates metals has been used to make bimetallic strips in thermostats for centuries.

    Not exactly a new law of physics!

  • james_woods

    Just when I thought it would never end, comes the Sarah Palin threads to quiet the theorists for a while.

    But, did you Fan-Boys know that she actually sold the Alaskan Governor's private jet on E-Bay?

    I would be looking into just who bought it, if I were you guys...

  • zagor

    Like I’ve already demonstrated it before in details, the impact of either one of those planes into the towers would have generated power equivalent of 1000kg of TNT, more than enough to blow the whole internal structure of several floors until what was standing could no longer support structure above anymore. Whether there are other reasons why intelligence failed despite them monitoring OBL for over 8 years by the time of attack is something of a mystery to me too. I guess we will never know the real reason for that one.

    Mind you, even though you haven't really mentioned whose correspondence this was I feel rather uncomfortable that private correspondence found its way onto the public board, just wanted to say that.

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