The Fine Art of Saying "I'm Sorry".

by BabaYaga 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    Better late than never, hey Baba?

    Just saw your thread.

    I can say I've never had a hard time saying, "I'm sorry" or "I'm wrong; you're right". Actually I'm working on becoming more assertive because I allow people to "walk on me" as I tend to put others' needs first and mine second. I'm learning that I need to be more balanced, and lately I've had no problem telling certain ones to f*** off!

    I've learned through counseling that some people have very strong personalitites, but if THEY recognize that and are willing to "back off", it can be okay. Also, that to be able to say, "I'm sorry" is very important in loving relationships. Those who can't or refuse to are arrogant, immature assholes.

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    I've been enjoying the various postings on this thread. It seems to me that it takes a certain level of psychological health and confidence in oneself both to be able to admit when you're wrong as well as to stand up for yourself when you are wronged. I think the common denominator is leaving the WT. For me it was only then that I was able to become emotionally healthy enough to be able to relate to others in a positive, truly loving way.

  • NewYork44M

    Love means never having to say your are sorry. I love ya, Baba. So, no "I'm sorry" from me.

    I always thought that after the change about the generation occurred circa 1995 that we should have included in our presentation an apology for scaring so many people for so long.

  • BabaYaga

    White Dove: No, you are certainly NOT pathetic! But yes I guess saying "I'm sorry" too much could be a problem too. I guess it's all about balance.

    TiJKmO's quote:
    with friends it often led to them admitting they were wrong too.
    with workmates ...well you still gotta work together...but nothing else
    with idiots..who cares what they think of you."

    Nice! Ha... touche' about the idiots!

    Sweet Juni:
    Yes, I agree... to be able to say "I'm sorry" is very VERY important in loving (and healthy) relationships! Glad I figured that out! *wink*

    Ms. Fiorini's quote:
    "It seems to me that it takes a certain level of psychological health and confidence in oneself both to be able to admit when you're wrong as well as to stand up for yourself when you are wronged...For me it was only then that I was able to become emotionally healthy enough to be able to relate to others in a positive, truly loving way."

    Beautifully said. Agreed.

    NewYork: I love you, too! But I always wondered about that "love means never having to say you're sorry" stuff. Ha! Maybe that was part of my problem too... I was young and impressionable when "Love Story" came out!

    I also agree about wanting to apologize to those we preached to/frightened... there is a great apology on YouTube from a former witness, now that I think about it. Apologizing for waking them on Saturday mornings, etc. etc.

    Thank you all so much for your replies. You are all dear.


  • Spike Tassel

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