Barf! Puke! Ugh!!

by Frequent_Fader_Miles 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Facebook's all you ever wanted to know about the bountiful blessings awaiting faithful ones in Jah's New Order!

    Check out these comparisons with Satan's filthy world ....

    The New System verses what Saten 's System Has To Offer:
    Saten's system: unequilty, there are thousands of imigrants, but its not their fault, the country does not supply food for them because they are using the money to fight their war's instead of bringing enough food into the country and supplying Jobs for them.

    Jehovah's system: There will be good Homes for everyone! enough food and clothes too!

    Satens system: There are too many Health problems too count that come upon innocent people, like cancer. And the pollution or weather can do damage to your hair like making it frizzy despite what product you put into it. Polluted air every where you go practically, except a few places.

    Jehovah's System: Good Health, Perfect Mind, Soul and Body, Great hair!
    Fresh air! clean water that you can just stop for a drink probaley if you wanted to at a stream.

    Saten's system: Wars, every form of violence, rape ,murders, Abuse of children, Crime every minute. Human governments have been around for a long time, generations and generations but they still have not been able to get rid of this, only reduce it a little.

    Jehovah's system: We wont have to give any of these things a single thought in God's new world, we will be free of them! Jehovah never again will let anything happen to anyone. For eternity! Isaiah 65:17

    Saten's system: empty materilism

    Jehovah's system: You enjoy things may more! than if you have things all the time like celebrity's do that are spoiled. I would get sick of some things.

    Saten's System: On the Jehovah's witness official website there is an article that shows Divore rates are sky rocketing. Todays generation ( including femenists) adopt the view that they dont need to live together.

    The articles says that soon marriage is going to go extinct, so thats a really large percentage of the population. When people take on these high paying careers they usually sacrifice time for friendship or family. I just watched a show last night and I dont think celebrity's even go out with friends very much cause their friends are too busy with thier own careers year round! Celebrity's may have the money to buy everything they dreamed of but thet certaintly dont have the time to pursue everything they dreamed of doing!

    Jehovah's system: Happy and sucessfull marriages. Good relationships with friends and everyone and family. This system is boring compared with what Jehovah has to offer. In the New system you will have the time too pursue any skill and get really good at it, like singing or sports, painting....ect. I like drawing designs and decorating things.

  • dinah

    Good Lord! Did you paste that complete with spelling errors??

    You mean there will be no more bad hair days in the New System? And what about immigrants? That sounded a little bit like bigotry. Don't they realize that America won't be in their New System so it won't matter how many "immigrants" cross the "border".

    That just shows how simple minded they are about the whole thing.

  • shamus100

    The only thing that you're going to be doing is cleaning up lion shit and weeding flowerbeds. Paradise? LIving forever with the typical dubs I've had the displeasure of meeting??? No thanks. That is HELL! Hell doesn't exist, therefore the 'new system' (tm) does not exist.

    The watchtower is the most racist organization on earth. They would gladly exterminate billions of people, just because you had the bad luck of being born in China rather than the United States. An American religion that is just branching out after 150ish years... not at all impressive, despite the 'worldwide preaching work' (tm)

  • DanTheMan

    Sounds like something a 12 year-old put together. I'll mark it GD for Great Disillusionment in your future there young lady.


    Looks like a little kid wrote that..Baby 3........................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • nameless_one

    The person who wrote that is either a young child, or a complete idiot. I'm guessing it's a kid; it's really sad to think of children and young teens viewing life and the world that way, but at least with kids the odds are in their favor to wake up as they grow up. If an actual adult wrote that, it appears that getting a clue might be far beyond the realm of possibility for that unfortunate individual.

  • cameo-d

    It seems there has been more focus on "Generation Next" over the past few years.

    Old timers will reject change. But young people by their very nature, are idealistic and easily led.

    I read somewhere that it only takes one generation ---separated from natural family unit---and trained with new concepts, to implement a great societal change.

    It looks like it's working.

    A few years ago, they made the global warming movie as part of school curriculum. Now we have a big spin off called "Kids for climate change." Even though adults see the subject as controversial and unproven, the students don't pass their tests without giving the answers that are required as "correct". They are being taught this is a truth.

    They are also being taught socialistic concepts, as that is part of this paradise plan.

    Everyone gets a home! A chicken in every pot!

    What they don't tell you is will be told where you will live. You may have to live with people you don't like and who are not your family. You may have to live in a communal situation.

    And as for the chicken in every pot....well, you may have to do the menial jobs you are told to do whether you like it or not and then wait in the breadline to get your bowl of chicken soup. You may not have the freedom to choose your meal.

    Paradise ...equality...lies and socialism.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    The DO recently visited my family's congregation and spoke of the alarmingly high rate of divorce among Witnesses.

    The truth be told ...


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I couldn't get past the first two items of how "wonderful..."

    1. That person (teenager) needs to go back to school.

    2. That's assuming that I would want to wear clothing.

    I'll be back for more comments...

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Oh my goddess in himmel above!

    1. Go back to school.

    2. "You're so-oh vai-in..."

    3. If you can't spell Satan properly, you can thank the Gibbering Booby for not allowing further education.

    Of course, I'm directing all of this towards that FB author who probably will never read this.

    Geezus Crisp Almighty!

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