Another reason the JW-style paradise won't be needed

by sir82 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    How does that Kingdom malady go? "...and the lame will leap just like the hart...?

    Once again, the "wicked old world" is accomplishing what Jesus, sitting invisibly on a throne and playing "World of Warcraft" for going on a century, has not done:

    Exoskeleton suit helps paralyzed people walk

    If they can do this in 2008, what will be possible by 2014? 2034?

  • WTWizard

    I would rather let Satan's worldly science get the job done. Only eliminate the FDA, and let the scientists do their jobs. And then watch science come up with drugs, nutrients, and other ways to help people that are otherwise beyond hope. And, even resurrect the dead.

    Or, you can wait on that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag that only wants to coerce people into doing ever more, and NEVER keeps any of His promises.

  • 2112

    I am truly amazed at what so many people can think up and then create. The human mind is just incredible. And I am excited to see what the future holds!

  • Rosalee

    sir82 - - - modern medicine and science are do wonderful things, I agree.

    How does this compare to Jesus examples of future healings he will perform. He certainly showed by healing the lame and restoring life to the dead on a small scale while on earth.

    I think I'd rather put my faith in Scripture. It's great that this man can now walk. But to compare this with the marvels of Jesus is not even on the same page.


  • White Dove
    White Dove


    I trust those that have done it first and I've seen it done first.

    Jesus is too slow.

    Science beat him to it.

  • sir82

    How does this compare to Jesus examples of future healings he will perform. He certainly showed by healing the lame and restoring life to the dead on a small scale while on earth.

    I think I'd rather put my faith in Scripture. It's great that this man can now walk. But to compare this with the marvels of Jesus is not even on the same page.

    As noted in my original post, Jesus has not performed any cures for a minimum of 20 centuries or so. He's been sitting on his throne for 94 years. What's he waiting for?

    And a less tongue-in-cheek reply: As the decades roll on, and science accomplishes more and more of what the "milennial kingdom" was supposed to do "soon...very really very very this time we mean it, very very very very soon"....the appeal of the JW message for "householders" will (continue to) wane.

  • funkyderek


    How does this compare to Jesus examples of future healings he will perform.

    Verry favourably, in that this is actually real. A real-life person has received a real-life healing that actually really significantly improves the real quality of his real life. Much better than even the best pretend healings.

    He certainly showed by healing the lame and restoring life to the dead on a small scale while on earth.

    Right, but those are just stories, they didn't actually happen. This is real - really really real.

    I think I'd rather put my faith in Scripture.

    Why? What has Scripture ever done for anyone?

    It's great that this man can now walk. But to compare this with the marvels of Jesus is not even on the same page.

    No. One is a myth, the other is real, providing real hope to people. The real cure may not be as good on paper as the imaginary one, but it's better because it's real.

  • Nosferatu

    There goes Satan, running ahead of Jehovah again. Jehovah will smite his ass soon, just like he was going to back in the 1870s. And we should all be waiting for Paradise Erf to fix everything for us instead of trying to fix it ourselves. Have issues with the abuse you've suffered? Paradise Erf will fix it. The pain you have resulting from nobody taking you to the hospital when you injured yourself as a child? Paradise Erf is the cure! You'll be able to grow young and play with herbivorous lions. Magic fairies will sprinkle Jehovah dust upon you and make you forget about that old world where you suffered so greatly.

    Then, Jehovah lets Satan out again so he can destroy people living in Paradise Erf. Don't sound like no paradise to me.

  • Rosalee

    sir82 - - - 'soon' is a relative word. As sinful imperfect humans, we often equate 'soon' with "I wanted that to happen yesterday" ... it's never 'soon' enough.

    Who are we to gage when 'soon' is soon enough. It isn't even for man to direct his own step. And you think man has the right to decide when 'soon' is the right time.

    Be glad that you are even given the chance and the right to be so hurtful and slanderous to a God who loves you. His time to end it all will come 'soon' enough. Will you then cry " Oh no .. it's too soon !!!"


    Lets wait on a God ..That has`nt been able to get his "Ass in Gear",in 2,000 years!..LOL!!..............Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

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