Proof, proof, gimme some proof!!!

by Slappy 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • startingover

    I think this thread is really important, as it has shown time and time again that people who do not believe in evolution do not really know what it is. And they have such large JW-like blinders on they cannot see that they don't, even though it is pointed out time and again. I wish they would read Besty's last post, and then read it again and again until they understand.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    The point of this post was to challenge you to offer proof for your beliefs.

    I don't quite understand this. Why do people have to offer proof for a lack of belief in something? How is this even possible? The burden of proof is on the one who actually believes.

  • drwtsn32

    Carl Sagan said it best: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

    Columbus is not extraordinary. An all powerful, invisible God is extraordinary.

    If someone said they ate chocolate ice cream today, you would probably have no reason to doubt them. If the same person said they went back in time, you would demand proof. Double standard? You bet, because it would be ridiculous to demand the same amount of proof for both claims.

  • inrainbows


    Re: the dead men thing.

    If it wasn't obvious to you I was refering to how out-of-date and unrevisable creationist dogma is by what I wrote I am sorry. Thus my confusion when you took the tack you did.

    But the fact IS creationist dogma is based upon unrevisable out-of-date documentation, not current scientific understanding.

    The fact IS creationist dogma has NOTHING to do with god, unless you are going to pursuade me that god would inspire twaddle that actually discredits belief in it.

    It is not the actuality of god as it may be that discredits belief in god. It is the vain clinging by believers to words, rather than spirit that discredits belief in god.

    Dont suggest to know what annoys me - I will make my own mind up on that!

    Oh I'll say what I think thank you very much; I'm not saying I am right, just what I think motivates your annoyance (and how one sided it is).

    As you said 'to suggest that anyone that has Belief in a God has an "ignorant erroneous faith" is of the utmost arrogance on your part!', you saying that "I do not want to condemn anybody" would indicate you are using a novel and hither-to unknown definition of condem as that is what you did. You defend religionists defending their beliefs but bridle when scientific people try and show why they accept evolution as a valid theory in response to this.

    And whether you like it or not, in the specific areas I pointed out slappy was wrong, he is wrong. To try and make out that is like a Dubbie is disingenous and also wrong.


    I think there's allot more to the evolution theory than just man from monkey belief that makes it impossible for me to believe . We'll start with the big bang and go through how the universe slows down enough to reform but yet continues to expand and then all the countless collisions that happened to form planets from asteroids and then some how amino acids become biological life forms after falling in earths oceans ..... sorry not buying it.........

    As you have already been told countless times in the past in discussions like this what evolution is and show that you either cannot remember or care not to remember what evolution actually IS, there's little point in repeating what you've already been told.

  • DanTheMan

    One thing that I never understood about evolution (and hence was completely bamboozled by the WTS "Creation" book) was that the proof for it doesn't consist of wide, overarching, irrefutable logical statements like you might find in mathematics or other areas of study. Rather, the proof lies in incredibly numerous, very fine-grained individual observations and evidences that have accumulated and taken together paint a picture that is unmistakable.

    That again and again we see on this board questions such as, 'well if evolution is true then why don't monkeys talk?' and the like demonstrates the incredibly shallow consideration that evolution (and science in general) is given in our schools here in America. The finer details of evolution are never considered. What we're taught amounts to little more than 'there's fossil evidence and stuff that shows that it's true'.

    Slappy, I'd suggest you take the advice given to you here and really dig into some of the finer-grained evidences that support the theory of evolution. Nobody here or anywhere is going to be able to prove evolution to you in a few short paragraphs because evolution isn't math. The proof is in the evidence, and the evidence is so abundant and so finely detailed that you really do have to spend many hours of your own time investigating. The '29 Evidences' section of the Talk Origins website is one place you may want to check out.

  • PrimateDave
    Then again, ignorance is bliss (from the original post)

    Well said, Slappy! You must be quite happy indeed!

    After reading that entire post, I must agree with startingover. You haven't done your homework. You may disagree with atheists and non-Biblical theists if you must, but please read some real Biblical Scholarship and not the Fundamentalist crap that makes you sound like a writer for the Awake! magazine.

    For a start, check out the posting histories of Narkissos and Leolaia on this board. They have done an incredible amount of research. There is a wealth of information out there that can expand your horizons as a Christian and take you to the next level. For some of us that information has guided us away from Christianity, and that is our right. Others have found new and deeper meaning in their faith, and I for one am happy for them for they often leave behind the judgmental attitude of Fundamentalist Christians.


  • besty

    Slappy no more, The Scotsman no more, Lochaber no more, Sutherland no more, Lewis no more, Skye no more....

    Asking for proof negates the scientific method of asking for evidence and asking for repeatable observations...proof is not in the scientific arsenal

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    We have proof of human ignorance about the world we live, to deny that you deny the existence of any gods

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