Awake quotes Forrest Gump!!

by dinah 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Actually, I always thought the scene where he was running reminded me in a strange way of being a JW. He had all these people following him, believing he was doing something really profound. Then he just stops, out of the blue, turns around, and says "I'm pretty tired, I think I'll go home now."

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Maybe next time they'll encourage the congregation to follow Forest's example by preaching to persons at bus stops.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    "What can young boys do to get their minds off masturbation?" "They can go Runnnning..."

    yeah, that is what the unflappable Awake would recommend....

    Snakes ()

  • TheSilence

    Did I also mention the brother had a stuttering problem? Well the test to obtain a teaching certificate required that he be able to read fluently. Guess what he had to read out loud at the examiner's office? You guessed it friends!! It was that same article "Five Keys to Finding a Job".

    Oh Friends, you just cannot make this crap up.

    Well, apparently *someone* can make it up.


  • caliber


    Soooooo I wonder if the next article will follow up and tell us what happened to Jennnay?

    Your irony and humor is very amusing to me !


  • Sparkplug

    You guys are killing me with laughter. Funky D's add and Keysers cracked me up. So very true. So VERY spot on!

  • dinah

    I'm thinking they would somehow say that Jen-NAY used drugs and left the organization. I mean as long as you are intrepreting the bible...............

  • GoddessRachel

    Undercover said: I remember one of the magazines quoted the Beatles of all people...

    It was an article on tobacco and/or smoking, maybe quiting smoking and it quoted the line from the Lennon song, "I'm So Tired" where he sings about getting another cigarette and "curse Sir Walter Raleigh..."

    But they left out the rest of the line, "...he was such a stupid git"

    Dinah, thanks for sharing! That is just ridiculous.

  • JimmyPage

    Mama told me they was my magic shoes. She said they'd take me anywhere. Except out of the bonds of the Watchtower.

  • dinah

    Cool. A flaming topic with no reference to sex

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