more women jds than men

by John Doe 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • zagor

    I've heard someone telling me the other day there are actually more women in the world than there are man, maybe something to do with that too.

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic
    In conclusion I think men are able to switch off more from one activity to another.

    So it is men’s advantage not to be able to multi-task…….??? Always thought multi-tasking was overrated…..!!!

  • milligal

    Here's my theory:

    JW's offer a social/emotional acceptance that many women crave, of course men are emotional and social creatures also, but are they as inclined as women to seek out social accetpance (blanket statement)? Obviously, I'm a woman and I don't fit into this mold, I didn't think keeping my friends and family's approval was worth staying in the borg but I would submit that more women than men would have those feelings-thus more female than male JW's....

  • Satanus

    There are a lot of women that love the alpha male, j hoover.


  • stillajwexelder

    in every congregation I have been in, women outnumber men - or females out number males

  • daniel-p

    Women are more dependent on social networks. That's all there is to it.

  • yknot

    Or we realize we are not an island unto ourselves.

    There are no self-made men.

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