Post your percentage opinion: How many JWs REALLY . . .?

by AuldSoul 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    AuldSoul..My family did ,when I was a kid..My parents were hard line JW`s..We did all of that!.......What a waste of time!................ Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • slimboyfat

    I know some Witnesses who do a lot more than the minimum: prepare all meeting parts, redraft convention notes, personal study on top, prepare for the ministry even.

    They are few and far between, but true believers are out there.

  • passwordprotected

    ....well, nut cases are out there.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    Have there been any quotes like this concerning a minimum for prayer, meeting attendance, field circus, reading the Watchtower and Awake and so on? Please PM if you have any info on this as it is one of my biggest agruments with my father. Basicly you have no time to work to make money if you do all the minimums. Also you won't make into Paradise if you don't do these things either.


  • blondie

    I did when I was older to make sure what they taught at least was from the Bible. I skipped the day's text and just did the weekly bible reading. But I was unusual; most families I knew did all this separately, no time, not even a family study although some put in a slip. I can remember elders doing the bible reading part on the school, having never read the material....many faux pas because of it.

  • shamus100

    I tried to, couldn't do it. It was just too much.

    Take the bible reading for the week, for instance. I never could find the time.

    1%? I think it's a little high. Just underline your watchtower and book study shite and you'll look like a good little dubbie. Time taken: 20 minutes.

  • Seeker4

    I tried as an elder, often a Pioneer, and with three kids and my own business. It was awful at times. It was more frequently a failure than a success, and I was as earnest and sincere about it as anyone.

    I think your figures are pretty dead on. Most family studies could be deadly boring.


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I agree with your percentages.

    What I love no mention of just bible reading, they have to tie in the WT with every teaching they do. Even the weekly bible meeting is to be tailored to the needs of the congo (read WT.)



  • Confession

    Growing up, when more of the kids were still at home, we'd often have a family study, but it was hit-and-miss.

    Apart from its consideration at the meeting for field service, I probably read the Daily Text 20 or 30 times in the entire 38 years I was a JW. As an adult, I tried to study for the WT and the Book Study, but probably only did this about one third of the time.

    This became more frequent when I was the Watchtower Study conductor at my hall. During that time, I would make sure I had the scriptures printed out and skim through it about two thirds of the time. Frequently this would be whilst on the crapper in the mensroom, during the public talk.

    And, no, I'm not kidding.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Damn you, Confession!

    Frequently this would be whilst on the crapper in the mensroom, during the public talk.

    You're giving away all the elder secrets!


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