Going to Hell in a Handbag.......rant!!

by Gill 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    So why do we always give in to 'the lowest common denominator?'

    The board is closing because Simon has (fair enough) had enough of abuse.

    We see this every where. We always allow the not necessaily bad but those who can't act and behave in a civil manner win!

    In the UK we seem to not be bothering to a) chase criminals b) arrest criminals c) keep violent offenders on remand before trial d) provide prison places, e) provide sentences that deter etc.

    OK a bit of extreme in example BUT, point being, we just seem to give up!

    We don't stand up and say NO anymore!

    I blame mothers and fathers who never taught the most important word in the language 'NO!" to their errant offspring!

    We give in to bad behaviour and tantrums absolutely everywhere in the world.

    There's too much bad behaviour so why bother fighting it!

    I predict the end of civilisation as we know it as I see 'giving up' and 'dumbing down' is the way we are , unfortunately all going!

    Pathetic world full of pathetic people!

    I refuse to give in and I am still saying 'No!'

    I even found myself musing the other day that a good swift kick from mother nature, in the form of a nice big, all destroying Pole Shift and reverse of Earth's orbit might even be the best thing for us all!

    Mother nature could turn round and scream 'NO!' to her errant off spring once and for all time!!

    Who survives is just luck of the draw!

    Extreme maybe, but the world seems to be going to hell in a handbag and I've reached the point where I think......so it bloody well should!!

  • Gill

    SBF - I know the forum isn't closing and apologise for my lack of correct phrasing, but I believe it is to become an obelisk or monument to the JWD that once was, and no longer the 'active go getter'..

    As for everything going to pot......'nuf said!

    But why do we always give in?

    The great heroes of the past took the knocks and stood up again! They took more knocks and up they got once more!

    No the attitude seems to be, 'that's it! I'm off!'

    PIty really but I suppose inevitable and understandable.

    No once can stand against the tide! (Well, not without a submarine! Maybe submarines are in short supply these days!)

  • slimboyfat

    No that's not it:


    And you really are 108 aren't you.

  • Gill

    SBF - I've also seen Simon saying (words to the effect) that he wouldn't wish JWD on anyone else because of the abuse he receives against himself and his family.

  • slimboyfat

    Just that pessimism is sometimes associated rightly or wrongly with age.

    Well the above is a recent comment from Simon and I hope it works out.

  • greendawn

    Perhaps a group of competent people rather than just two can run JWD if Simon sells it on to them.

    Yes society today has become too soft on deliquency things went from one extreme to the other in a few decades from being overstrict to being too lax. It's the spirit of the times, in the western world it is thought of as being more civilised not to punish. Remember parents can be prosecuted for as much as slapping a child of theirs. No wonder why children are badly behaved and without respect for authority. So much for the spirit of socialism that wants to level all authority to make everything equal.

  • Gill

    Greendawn - YOu are quite right! There are always those who are 'more equal' than others It just seems to be that it is always the least deserving who are 'more equal'.

    Someone work that one out for me!

    We give human rights to criminals, bad people, those who do bad things, but give no such rights to victims. Infact we like to forget all about the victims. It so much more convenient.

    Is it because the people in power want their own 'sins' forgiven and forgotten?

  • startingover

    Great post Gill, great post! IMO you are right on.

    I too have mused about the need of a "natural" disaster. I hadn't thought of it in this context however. But I have thought about it while sitting in traffic in Southern California, time to thin the herd.

  • Gill

    Startinover - Thanks for your support. Thinning of the herd is a fantastic euphemism and I'm afraid it may well be necessary. Leave it to 'Mother'. She'll sort it.

    It appears however, that the world does have a 'collective, herd intuition', possibly 'memory' that things are spiralling out of control.

    I don't believe in Armageddon, but I do believe in Karma and inevitable kick back.

    We are allowing 'evil' to prosper. ie, negative happenings are rewarded.

    Trouble will follow. Not Armageddon, but potentially worse.

    The Earth is due a good 'wipe down'. We have failed ourselves and Nature will sort it.

  • greendawn

    Who knows why, perhaps it's the reaction to having been over strict in the past when people went to harsh prisons were whipped or exiled to Australia for "stealing" a piece of bread to avoid starvation. Yes some people even died of starvation in England during the Victorian era when the wealthy British empire was at its height.

    All I can tell you is my experience with junkies while a supermarket manager in London. They saw London with its tens of thousands of shops large and small as a kind of paradise for shop lifting, Marks and Spencer, Waitrose, Tesco, bookshops, electrical goods shops, fashion shops you name it. They went around putting things in their sacks knowing that if they get caught they will just get a slap on the wrist, at most they would pretend they were high on drugs and didn't really know what they were doing. They were having it good.

    They would then sell the stolen goods at half price to get money for their next dose of heroine. I can tell you small and somewhat expensive things costing £5 - £10 each like Gilette Mach 3 razors, condoms, rechargeable batteries, upmarket toothpastes, they would scoop them in and eventually we had to put them all behind the counter.

    For all I know eventually several of them died of heroine overdose and through using strange concoctions of drugs but not one ever went to prison except a guy and that was for assaulting someone with a snooker cue in a pub after a dispute over the game they were playing.

    I suppose the police don't have the time to pursue thousands of heroine addicted shop lifters who desperately need to feed their habits. After all if the don't get their dose they can go beserk and become far more dangerous to society.

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