random smartassness

by [crazypanda] 44 Replies latest social family

  • [crazypanda]

    i just wanna be a big ol random smartass. ^^ anyone else feel that way? lol

  • BlackPearl

    I would chime in, but I think it would offend somebody...somewhere. We must be politically correct, therefore, no smartassness for me. You could twist my arm though, I might come up with something. I'm kinda feeling in the mood.

  • sweetstuff

    Did someone call my name? LOL

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Who wants to listen to a smartass panda from Israel anyways. Is this some kind of Jewish conspiracy? You could take a lesson from Sesame street. Just look at Oscar, how he lives. Underprivelidged and covered in trash. Yet he still has time to chew the fat with big bird.

    Just cuz your on the endangered species list, doesn't give you impunity to insult others, Mrs. 17 post Jewish panda! ( Please give me more information about yourself, so I can be more tactical, with my cutting barbs) How's that?

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Should I shorten my insults to one liners. Where's John Doe when you need him? We'd have blast!

  • BlackPearl

    I'm sooo tempted to be a smartass but I can't think of anything smartassified to say. I must be in too mellow of a mood.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I'm never a smartass. . .

  • sweetstuff
    I'm never a smartass. . .

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Sweetstuff, "a ass" is incorrect. It should be "an ass." ;-)

  • mustang

    I get that way at times

    Actually, as I have mentioned, I survive the WTS by keeping my mouth shut, walking softly and being a little bit "connected". But, I was really a "closet smartass"; it was just waiting to break out. One of those days, I was going to tell off some eLDER or greater. I could feel it coming: so I LEFT


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