Never, Ever Believe A Thing They Tell You.

by Englishman 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • gambler

    Thwiz you discust me.Let me ask you you would you stone your kids to death. Thats supported in the bible.Well why dont we do that,because people learned that was an inefective,barbaric and moraly wrong way to punish kids.And so its the same with shunning.You dont deal with problems and people in need by ignoring them.Children do that.Jesus said love your enemey and pray for them.Shunning has been totaly denounced by mental heath pros and any truth seeker.Sunning is reserved for amish,cults that are afraid of information and assholes.

  • thewiz


    Let me ask you you would you stone your kids to death

    Having a little trouble with your English, or is that an online stutter?

  • gambler

    Nice come back, attack my grammer.Yes im a shitty speller .I dont care about fucking grammer, im to lazy to spell ckeck and care about sentance structure.Typical of a JW to talk about something else when there argument gets to uncomfortabe for them.

  • thewiz

    Thanks for the set up.

    Funny you say it is a typical JW response. It's not. It's a typical BORING (JW basher) response. That's why I conclude many here, are full of shit.

    Why? If it's ONE of YOUR kind (those that are part of the Kiss-ass clubs here, those who "rate", those who are "credible") you ignore the spelling. -rightfully so.

    But if the spelling/grammer mistakes are from a typical JW, many, and I mean many here, discredit their ideas just for simple spelling mistakes. I've seen it many times. It's like, is that the best you people can come up with? (yeah ending a sentence with a preposition, how 'bout that)

    Hurts when the shoe is on the other foot doesn't it?

    All I am trying to establish is, is the treatment of JDubs. If JDubs get treated a certain way then it is ONLY fair that people here getted treated the same way. Like-for-Like. If people here can dish it out, they should be able to take the same treatment. right?

    Let me ask you you would you stone your kids to death. Thats supported in the bible
    We are not under the Mosiac law.

    I said:

    why does [ANY] of your life's activities revolve around them

    Nope, that's pretty uncommon, except amongst JW's.
    funny you make a general statement with nothing to back it up. Do you read the papers? Family breakdown, communication, even talk T.V., even the movies can reflect real society. People DO tell their kids to get out. And I have never, ever, known a JW family to throw their kids out. Whereas I have seen it repeatly in newscasts. Some, in extreme cases, even having to shoot their own kids to protect the rest of the family. Where do you live? Utopia? Because I want to live there...with Laurel and Hardy.

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