Why Evolution Should Be Taught

by hamilcarr 360 Replies latest jw friends

  • funkyderek


    Hamilcarr, why are you even debating evolution on a JW oriented website? The main reason I debate it is to get it talked about and over with, and move back more toward JW centered topics, such as exposing the WT Society.

    Wow! You keep lowering the bar with almost every statement you make. You say you debate evolution to get it over with so you can then discuss the subjects that interest you. Why not, instead, just discuss the subjects that interest you and leave the discussions on evolution to those who are up to the task? Or do you really think that you declaring that you choose not to believe evolution is going to overturn a century and a half of scientific progress?

  • hamilcarr
    4. There are distinct gaps between the known kinds of organisms. One kind
    is not observed to change into another kind. We do not observe the "missing
    links" because they are missing, not there, don't exist.

    Common and persistent misunderstanding based on Darwin's own assertion that the lack of transitional fossils was one of the weak spots of his theory. Science has evolved a lot since then. Transitional fossils link dinosaurs and birds (different 'kinds'?), fish and limped amphibians. Besides, DNA analysis has confirmed or refined the preliminary 19th century common descent hypotheses.

  • hamilcarr
    5. Life only comes from life and reproduces after its own kind. Life does
    not come from nonliving material. Life does not spontaneously generate

    Off-topic. Does not contradict evolution.

    Abiogenesis and biological evolution are unrelated.

  • mkr32208

    So you claim that you are choosing ignorance and yet you continue to argue? WTF? How did you ever get out of the 'truth?' I mean that is JUST like a JW! When you can't even get someone to acknowledge what a word means (theory doesn't mean "some crap I just made up") they what is the point? Your dealing with a fanatical lunatic! Why not just save the time typing and beat your head off the wall? It would accomplish much the same thing. I have yet to see you do anything but PLAY at being a scholar. Your arguments and rants wouldn't impress a fifth grader, your reading comprehension would get you kicked out of kindergarten! (unless you’re in Texas... Oh wait!) And yet here's the kicker, your vote counts as much as mine... Stunning... The ignorance on display here is truly scary...

  • hamilcarr
    6. Mutations, the supposed driving mechanisms of evolution, are random in
    nature and are neutral or harmful. They do not accumulate beneficially.
    Mutations produce the wrong kind of change and will not provide for the
    "upward" progressive increase in intelligence or complexity required by

    Another persistent 19th-century caricature of evolutionary theory.

    Most contemporary biologists omit value judgments as to the progressive or regressive nature of evolution. Some like Gould even passionately rejected the notion of upward progression.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    For your information, I am not interested in starting the 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,998th "debate" amongst armchair "scientists" on JWD regarding evolution versus creation. The horse has been beaten to dust, and those with a prejudice towards evolution will attempt, no matter how unconvincingly, to defend it to it's last gasp. What used to masquerade as "a posse ad esse" has now become "ad absurdum". Looney evolutionists will simply change the theory everytime it's falsified.

    Enjoy your time on JWD.



  • mkr32208

    Ahhh so you didn't actually get out based on critical thinking or using your brains but instead just looked for a few flaws in this one group without seeing the persistent and unavoidable holes in all holy books and religions.

    Kind of like remaining indoctrinated and ignorant without all the work of going to meeting or being a witness? Good call on that decision...

  • hamilcarr
    For your information, I am not interested in starting the 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,998th "debate" amongst armchair "scientists" on JWD regarding evolution versus creation.

    Then why did you post an extremely controversial and blatantly incorrect article? If you are unable to put forward your own arguments you shouldn't be on this thread.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Looney evolutionists will simply change the theory everytime it's falsified.

    Yes, eliciting knowledge from facts instead of looking for facts to prove a story. Isn't that the hallmark of intelligence? The logical conclusion of this sentence is that to not be "looney," one should promote a world view that is 100% accurate and allows for no change. I suppose to this mindset, there is no need for investigation of facts or evidence. In my mind, the wilingness to change beliefs to fit with objective reality is the greatest strenght of science and the most horrendous weakness of religion. Quite interesting.

  • hamilcarr
    7. We observe stasis, not change, in nature. Extinction is a proof of
    creation. We do not find change in the fossil record nor can we measure it
    in the present. Animal and plant kinds that exist today retain the same
    appearance but are smaller in size than their known predecessors.

    Incorrect ... again.

    Just one counterexample:


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