To All Active, Loyal JW's--Read this....

by ashitaka 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    Just a question, why do you come here? Are you doubting, looking for answers that the GB couldn't? What is it you're trying to accomplish by participating on this board?


  • Missie Eff
    Missie Eff

    Funny innit how this posting has already been read 20 times and it's only been here a few minutes.

    No doubt, most of us are ex-JWs but I wonder how many aren't.

    Good point, Ashitaka.

    How many on the inside have as many doubts as we used to? It takes a a lot of courage and a thirst for truth to not just look elsewhere but to put one's money where one's mouth is.

    So come on you cowardly lot. Either tell us that we are all 100% completely wrong, or take the plunge and join our evil throng (oh, that rhymes!!)

  • ballistic

    I remember how I felt reading the ideas of others for the first time; guilt mainly, I felt strange, didn't like it one bit.
    Years of being taught to close my mind was a real mental barrier.
    Am I glad I listened! I feel like I've really seen the light, and although I go through much anger at the WT, the relief of no longer being a slave to the GB is indescribable.

  • moman

    like the saying goes, "The mind iz a terrible thing" lol
    If you are reading this & you are still a Dub, you have takin the first step, congrats! Now just keep reading,with an open mind,(az much az you can) everything on this board & others like it. Take nothing for granted, check sources, & forge ahead, resisting all attempts to close your mind! The TRUTH about the TRUTH iz there.

  • JT

    for lurkers if need be leave this site and any other chat forum and go to sites that merely post WT history and NO COMMENTARY


    and it will be all you need to see why you need to reexamine what you have been taught for years

    when i came to the net i went into debate forums- got my butt whipped despite being a Society Man- i didn't know the wt history

    all i could say was:

    "We never said that ----We never believed that ---We never taught that"

    then the guys blew me out of the water with quotes and references up the YING YANG-

    SO I left the chat and debate boards and went to the sites with just quotes and quotes of wt material -- all in order of FLIP FLOPS

    So please DO YOUR HOME WORK--


  • Prisca


  • ashitaka

    And if you want official documents on the Nazi thing, the UN scandal, abuse, it's all on the net. Just look. Even if you consider 99% of it lies, that one percent is enough to get you thinking.

    Nothing is all bad, even religion, but I'll tell you that the JW's and the GB are getting there quickly. Just look at official documents and only use the publications to prove them wrong. Don't listen to us, investigate for yourself, what you'll find is infuriating.


  • ashitaka

    It's just interesting to note the reads as opposed to answers from the loyal JW's.


  • troubled

    Hi Ashitaka,

    I'm an active JW, though I've been questioning my own loyalty of late.

    To answer your question in a nutshell, active JWs come here for various reasons. Some because they are having doubts or concerns, some to defend the Organization. Some are just curious, wondering what exactly is here that the Society doesn't want us to be reading. There's no flat out answer that applies to everyone.

    As far as why I'm here, I think my username and my posts make it pretty clear. Check them out if you want to know more.

  • TweetieBird

    Where's FredHall...he's usually the first to jump except when he's confronted with this question. I asked him the same thing a long time ago, never got a straight answer.

    So Fred, WHY do you come here? Just to antagonize us or are you personally having doubts?

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