Class Action Lawsuit

by mikepence 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    I agree with Tim that in todays political climate, there is a greater likelyhood that the WTS could be held accountable for several things. I also agree that the shunning of members who were children when baptised might be something to look at from a legal standpoint. The best cases to put up front would be kids who baptised early, and then were DF'd or marked before their 18th birthday. Kids who came into the org w/o their parents being involved might be an especially sharp thorn in the orgs foot.

    Also, I can't help but wonder about medical malpractice. I know that just telling folks that the bible prohibits blood transfusion, in and of itself, will not get the society nailed, but they have gotten very specific about medical procedures/substances, and strayed far from anything religious in doing so. Might be an area of exposure.

  • ISP

    I would attack the charitable status. You have a realistic chance of success.


  • Tammie

    What about people who was under the legal adult age? I was 17 when gotten baptised. I know that there was a lot younger. I know that a legal contract is void when a miner sighns it. And many of those young people are forced into baptism by their parents or other relatives. For example my husband was told to get bapitsed or he would be kicked out by his dad.

  • metatron

    I agree with ISP. The charitable status, particularily in Europe,
    is very vunerable. By what stretch of the imagination does
    the WTS deserve tax breaks for doing charity? Why should taxpayers
    subsidize a religion's efforts to make more converts?
    All religions should be required to do acknowledged charity in return for tax breaks.


  • Satanus

    How about suing them for services performed, such as field service, constructions and things like that. Mine would come to over $100,000. Sure, they will claim it's voluntary. If so, why was there coersion to do it. Why do they surville who has gone door to door and who hasn't? Part way through the month, jws are reminded of their duty, if they havn't done it yet. On one occasion, when i failed to count time for a while, an elder told me my dedication had become invalid.


  • Pathofthorns

    I would like to see this as a matter pursued further. There is something wrong when you can sign up to a religion, but cannot openly discuss matters relating to it without reprisals.

    A person should be able to read Crisis of Conscience and discuss matters with anyone inside the religion and ask questions and seek answers and explanations regarding the information contained without reprisals.

    Likely officials are unaware of the extent the shunning policy affects the lives of former members. Mental and emotional distress combined in many cases with economic difficulties are very common.

    What has to be stressed is this is not an ordinary religion, but a CULT. It is being given tax breaks as a charity when it does no charitable works and violates the rights of it's members.

    I know this would be difficult, but such a lawsuit would carry weight if it involved THOUSANDS of former American Jehovah's Witnesses, combined with statements from the international community of former Witnesses and affected individuals.

    The charitable status must go, as well as the right of individuals to seek knowlege of the group which they have joined without reprisal. The same goes for their blood policy, where individuals should be able to choose medical treatement for themselves and their children without facing reprisals from the religious community they are apart of.


  • LDH

    There may be grounds for a lawsuit based on intentional deception.

    For people baptised prior to the 1985 question changes, there was no agreement, verbal or otherwise, to identify oneself with the ORGANIZATION.

    Now, of course there is. However, people who were df'd that never agreed to be bound by organizational rules (like myself at one time) may have quite a nice lawsuit.

    Just a thought.


  • chasson

    Good Point LDH,

    The big problem for me is: Should a religion be obliged by law to be democratic ?

    I think that a lot of people (and not only ex-jw) are questioning themselve on this ground. When you have a religious hierarchy who is concerned by the point of view of his fellowship, we have less problem than when you have an autocratic's hierarchy.

    Freedom means democracy, even if democracy has her own limitation.
    Could we give "freedom of religion", if religious hierarchy don't want to have a democratic's organisation ?



  • Yadirf


    The society has throughout the years used subversive language in regards to the political powers.
    Now you’re being downright stupid! Do you have the slightest idea of what the word “subversive” means? It means:
    Intended or serving to subvert, especially intended to overthrow or undermine an established government. One who advocates or is regarded as advocating subversion.
    The WTS is not, nor has it ever been, interested in overthrowing the government of any nation on earth. The WTS is thoroughly neutral when it comes to a matter such as this. You’re assuming the wrong thing about the WTS, even as the Roman’s did about Jesus himself. He preached God’s Kingdom, and the eventual destruction of human rule was part and parcel with his message. Jesus’ message was in complete agreement with Hebrew prophecies such as Daniel, chapters 2 & 7.

    They have toned it down lately but it still exists. In this time of patriotic fervor it could be a hot topic for the courts.
    Quit being ridiculous. For goodness sakes! Do you actually think that either I or the WTS give a rats butt what certain people or the courts think of our Bible-based message? Earth’s governments will give way to God’s Kingdom at Armageddon, thank God!!! It makes no difference whether it’s a “time of patriotic fervor” or not, the activity of JWs isn’t dictated by such times. They preach the word whether it be “in favorable season or troublesome season”. (2 Timothy 4:2) It’s hard to believe that you were once intimately acquainted with the WTS’s teachings, but now seem to have conveniently forgotten all the facts.


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • Yadirf


    By what stretch of the imagination does the WTS deserve tax breaks for doing charity?
    A hell of a lot more than any other religion of YOUR choice! To share the TRUE message of the Bible, that a person’s true hope lies in a RESURRECTION rather than in the possession of an immortal soul -- a message that one can’t obtain from most of Christendom’s churches -- is INDEED an act of charity. If people are starved SPIRITUALLY and the WTS feeds that need then it has done a charitable thing indeed. Feeding the spiritually hungry is THE job of Jesus’ disciples, and the WTS has done its job exceedingly well … particularly considering how that hateful people like YOU want to smack them in the face for doing so.

    Yours truly,

    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

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