Regarding Simon's Announcement

by AK - Jeff 33 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Junction-Guy

    unbelieving mate probably

  • Gregor

    Urgent Bowel Movement

  • minimus

    Not long ago, another host (EMan) decided to call it quits.

    It seems that Simon outlasted anyone that's done this before. I think putting up a site like this and MAINTAINING THE QUALITY is a lot harder than we might think.

  • AudeSapere
    Big Tex wrote: Stupid question -- what's a UBM network?

    UnBelieving Mate.

    Jg had a series of threads on UBM issues and continually reached out to others in like situations to hers.


  • Quirky1

    Can somebody explain to me what is going on here?

  • AndersonsInfo

    My first discussion board was H20 where serious XJW discussion took place. When it went under, Simon's board came into existence, and since then I have checked in almost every day to see what is new.

    Eventually, when my husband realized the worth of this place, he came on board and read the board almost every evening. We just love this place. We are selective and have never cared for the fluff or the sexual stuff because there’s enough of that everywhere else. We came to this board to learn and to share information to help people get sanity from their bad experiences in the Watchtower organization. Over the years, there has been a wealth of information posted by XJWs on this board, who have done a tremendous job exposing the Watchtower through research, and I have used it to good advantage.

    If it wasn’t for this board and for Simon and Angharad's kindness to assist, we would have never been able to reach as many people about the WT’s child sexual abuse scandal. It’s difficult for me to express how sad I am over the news of this board’s closing. Where am I going to go with announcements of important material about the evils of the Watchtower? Where am I going to point JWs, who call me, to go to read such a wide variety of information and discussion over similar problems? I’m truly, truly upset over this news and just hate to tell Joe when he comes in from work this evening.

    I have a website where I’m steadily putting Watch Tower related material, books and documents for the serious student of research, where more and more material will be available. Within the next month, I was going to release some excellent material that exposes more lies of the Watch Tower and make the announcement on JWD. I need a place to make announcements, one that reaches the largest audience possible. It’s the truth about Watchtower that sets people free and it has been a goal of mine to help as many people get free as possible through truthful information. And this board has truly helped people get free by allowing us to present that information here.

    We understand Simon's reasons for closing the board and would probably do the same if we were in his shoes, but, nevertheless, this is a sad day for us all.


  • insearchoftruth

    Thanks for everything Barbara, your work and information is priceless, trying to think of a way to present it to my wife, hoping she will take another english class, she almost wrote on childabuse for one class, had actually given her the silent lambs link, but she changed her mind and didn't look!!

    Hopefully this board is still functioning when you make the release, if not there are already a few being stood up as 'sanctuaries for the refugees', people like me that need this support and information.

    Simon and the rest of the mods were wonderful here, and I can see why he was finally pushed to his limit, even someone with the patience of Job has a limit!!!

  • AudeSapere
    Quirky wrote: Can somebody explain to me what is going on here?

    Simon explained it himself:

    There are many, many threads stemming from the announcement.


  • jakes

    It really is sad that this board is shutting down. Although I have not posted much on the board it was a huge source of encouragement to me.

    Just reading others stories and knowing that I was not alone helped me through those dark periods. I also hooked up with some wonderful

    fellow South African ex-JWs.This site was also a huge push to write my story and get it published in a book here in SA.

    Simon I thank you very much.


  • AudeSapere
    Barbara wrote: I need a place to make announcements, one that reaches the largest audience possible.

    I know nothing about the intricacies of 'archiving' a discussion board, but I wonder if there is some way to keep just a small space open for Simon (or designate) to add just special, ground-breaking announcements like yours.

    Myself, I am really more of an ex-ex-jw and have indeed moved on with my life. I had already started moving on back around 2000/2002 but JWD gave me the information and support I needed to adjust my apolgetic thoughts, resolve my JW past and confidently move forward.

    There are still residual issues that I need to work on but I am in a good place and fully able to tap into other areas for personal growth as I don't think my residual issues are unique to my JW upbringing.

    I do however, enjoy helping the posters who are timidly or cautiously looking for information and validation as they begin looking outside of the WTS. Those are the posters I tend to seek out. The fluff threads were more of a distraction to me. I will probably join and participate in another forum but will pick the one that more closely mimics JWD: well-moderated and sensitive to the needs of the questioning witness. Not so much in a cuddly-club manner but respectful and informative.

    Another area that I will continue to seek out is: Meet-Ups and Apostafests. I did not attend any of the wild ones (and not sure how comfortable I'd have been) but every meetup I attended was just a real nice experience for me. One of the most beneficial aspects for me was being able to forget about someone's official 'status' (esp DA vs DF). I should start a thread on this but seems not much point now. My first meet up had two DF'd people there. They were open, honest, direct, respectful and delightful. They don't post much here (if at all) but I will always remember that night as a milestone in my recovery.

    I hate to see JWD close as it's been my absolute FAVORITE place on the net. This will force me to broaden my horizons. I think that's a good thing. But I'm not happy about it.

    -Denise Hill - Ventura County California.

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