Gag alert! Latest email from devout JW Mom

by bud2114 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • amama2six

    Guess I should specify I'm not dissing God or Jesus...just the portrayal of them given by the JWs.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    They can't even understand the basic Bible truths, but look at you and me! Think of what we can tell those people about His Word the Bible that they just can't seem to understand.

    I'm sure an average dub like Gilbert Simental could explain the "two witness rule" to the Pope.

    Remember, even though David was forgiven of his sins, his family still suffered because of his disobedience.

    Yeah, great for David... not so great for his family. I guess Hojovah thinks everyone but David is disposable.

    Jehovah PAID for you and me with the blood of His Son's sacrifice. I wonder how much value in dollars Jehovah would put on us?

    Evidently not much, since payment was made 2000 years ago, and the goods still haven't been delivered.

    Our currency is backed by the First Universal Bank of Jehovah!

    Sorry, Hojovah has no branch banks on Earth. His only office is inconveniently located in the very center of Pleiades galaxy.

    you are a gazillion dollar bill and remain just as valuable as ever,

    Maybe you could cash yourself in and buy a rocket to Pleiades. Oh, wait, your gazillion dollar bill isn't honored "by this system's standards".

    In conclusion, since I wouldn't pay money for a toxic waste dump, I guess lots of things are priceless... not in a good way.

    B the X

  • booby

    I have never thought of it this way for some reason. But if Jehovah examines our heart and we are seen by him as diserving of life in contrast to others who are not, does this mean that we are actually earning, by virtue of something we have done to have that "kind" of heart, the life he grants to us???

  • heathen

    I imagine to jehovah you'd be worth allot more, considering the time you would spend in field service and donating to the WTBTS .

  • Rapunzel

    Reading this kind of stuff really makes me feel highly ambivalent. I have two conflicting and mutually exclusive feelings/opinions on the matter, that is to say that I am "of two minds." On the one hand, I am wholly supportive of free speech and free expression, even though I categorically disagree with what is said. The e-mail in question, in my opinion is utter bilge, total nonsense. But it definitely falls squarely within the domain of "free speech." It is by no means "hate speech." It only offends the intellect. Then again, I willingly concede that my opinions may well offend someone else''s intellect.

    On the other hand, I cannot help but bemoan and regret the wasting of resources involved. In this case, it is a question of "bandwidth" and Internet resources. I recently read an article that warned that the entire Internet could totally "collapse" or "crash down" in the near future, in about five to ten years. And if the Internet does ever crash, it will be due to be overwhelmed by all the "traffic" - the amount of data. Regretably, much of the data in question is made up of garbage such as spam and porn, and other worthless stuff. Many people think that the Internet has infinite capacity and capability. It doesn't. Scientists and researchers are already encountering problems. They are finding that their computer systems are being considerably slowed down and hindered.

    I am afraid that this will soon be an enormous problem. The issue is not due to legitimate use. The Internet can easily handle the legitimate needs of scientists and everyone else, for that matter. The problem lies precisely in the misuse/abuse of Internet resources. Just as it is the case with our "natural" resources, the resources of the Internet are in danger of being squandered, wasted, and depleted.

    The ultimate problem is that the scientific/technological advances, progress, and developments of the human species are quickly outpacing our "spiritual" or "ethical" development/evolution.

    I somewhat regret having to use the words "spiritual" or "ethical," but I'm tired, and at the moment, these are the only words that come to my mind. But my basic idea is this: We humans, as a species, are not developing at the same speed as our technology. As for the Internet, it seems that, no sooner have we created it, we are abusing and squandering it, effectively putting it [along with ourselves] to waste.

  • besty

    The world population is increasing by 211,000 people per day.

    Jehovah is choosing an extra 500 people per day.

    So every day that passes Jehovah is choosing to destroy an additional 210,500 people. Per day. Soon that is.

    Wait 5 days before responding and ask her about the extra 1 million people Jehovah hasn't chosen - what are they worth to him?

  • startingovernow

    "Jehovah chose you"

    Don't know your story, but when I was told this in the beginning I felt special, I felt even more special after the girl who introduced me to "the Truth" never became a Witness and I was told Jehovah used her to bring me to him.Now after all that I have been through I feel I lost more than 20 years of my life by making the decision to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Now that I am out and have been around people who have never "known" Jehovah and I see that there are plenty of them that ARE actually happy I think to myself, how wonderful it must be to have never been involved with the WBTS.

  • nameless_one

    This email offers a very poor analogy. Maybe it seems "encouraging" to people who skim and gloss and keep their brains on standby, but if you actually read it and think about it, it makes no sense. Why am I not surprised.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    So, compared to world leaders and movie stars and other famous, accomplished people (by this system's standards), we are even more special!

  • BizzyBee

    The only way this makes sense is that it is a generic piece of BS, adaptable to all religious persuasions. It doesn't really even fit JWs, since 'being chosen by Jehovah' is really not their party-line. Otherwise, why go door-to-door? If Jehovah has made his selections and is headed for the checkout line ("6 million items or less") what would be the point of FS?

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