Adult Day Care

by RAYZORBLADE 8 Replies latest jw friends


    What is it now? 5+ years I have been here off and on? Yeah, something like that.

    Interesting stuff happens; predictably, over-and-over-and-over-and-over again. Geez...some things just never change.

    Moderating. Done it! Hated it! I don't know how the folks that toil here as moderators, stomach it. Sheesh!!

    There's tons I've missed over the years. Coming back, there's many new people. Of course, they haven't a clue who I am or anything about me....and uh-huh, let alone care. Fine and dandy.

    Five years later, I can still see that some folks, no matter how much you explain things out until you've enunciated every exact punctuation mark, semi colon and tilda: will not make an effort to 'get it' and stomp their feet and cry foul, no matter what. Tantrums?

    Hmm? I know my nephews attend Day Care. My brother and his wife pay for this; how many of us have contributed financially here? Exactly. (Few have, me included)

    Yet, people will push the envelope; argue for the sake of arguing; endless battle of semantics; for free....don't forget one of the essential aspects of this forum.

    Adult Day Care. It's cheaper, because it's free.

    Simon is not a racist; Simon is not a homophobic. But I can see sometimes why he isn't on the Comedy Network. Good try though. I get his wit and irony and sarcasm. He is British afterall.

    Don't post much these days, but just wanted to add my wee bit.

    Time out everyone - I'm headed back to my corner.

  • Simon

    LOL, it feels like it sometimes!

    I think kids are much easier to reason with though ... they usually won't hold onto a position even after being convinced it doesn't make sense and will usually be willing to listen to your reasoning first.

    We appreciated your help modding the forum in the time you did it and input on issues we had no experience of.

    It isn't for everyone ... jeez, we were thinking of asking a few more people to help out but it's going to be hard to recruit anyone after this weekend !

  • mrsjones5

    It isn't for everyone ... jeez, we were thinking of asking a few more people to help out but it's going to be hard to recruit anyone after this weekend !

    No kiddin'!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    There's tons I've missed over the years. Coming back, there's many new people. Of course, they haven't a clue who I am or anything about me....and uh-huh, let alone care. Fine and dandy.

    Howdy Ray. Good to talk to you again. Some of us oldtimers still know, and care. Please give the birdies a big Texas howdy for me.

    This is me as well. Like you, I don't post much anymore. Just whatever catches my fancy. Mainly just to keep in touch with friends I made over the years.

    Hey! Send a cold front down here willya? It was 106 yesterday.

    Be well my friend,


  • sacolton

    When do I get my carton of milk and a nap?

  • mouthy

    Ray your on holiday are you not?//I hope your enjoying it.

    glad you caught on to the Limey humor

  • jaguarbass

    Adult day care?


  • shamus100

    I'm seeing ray in about 1.5 weeks! Looking forward to it... and you wouldn't believe where I'll be hiking from and driving to to do it.

    Ray is one of my most favorite posters, and one hell of a nice person to boot. Not bad for someone with that dreaded homosexual gene.... maybe Simon can tell him to his face what a homophobe he really is... LOL.


    Shamus....even if he did (Simon) - he'd pull my finger too!

    I'd be happy to meet him and Angharad.

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