bad experiences with C.O.s?

by startingovernow 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • startingovernow

    Hello. I am still trying to recover from an experience that I had with a C.O. (Christ/Crist). Reading other discussions has helped me to start getting other bad experiences into a better perspective and since the experience with the C.O. was really the final straw I was hoping that reading that I am not alone would help me in moving on. Long story fairly short - After a long history of faithful service despite great opposition outside congregation and pettiness and ridiculous cattiness inside, I became ill and couldn't attend meetings. Add to this that I read every article in every WT and Awake! and reading about such wonderful experiences of how others were supported by the congregation emotionally, spiritually, in practical ways, etc. and then seeing the opposite in the congregations I had been a part of made me more ill. When the C.O. spoke to me he did not take into consideration that I came into the "Truth" all by myself, had pioneered, gave up going to college for the sake of the good news, etc., etc., but told me since I had not been to meetings it was a case of out of sight, out of mind. He did not ask me anything about what led up to my not being at meetings. He did not pray with me or read a scripture until he was getting ready to leave after a long accusatory discussion that was the opposite of what I had needed - encouragement, upbuilding, strengthening aid, etc. At the time I was in such shock over the things that he was saying, things that indicated that he wasn't very bright as regards as to his position in the congregation, or on how to treat members of the flock but I had been trained that to speak against elders was to speak against the holy spirit. So I sat there trying to wait for some encouragement, since surely Jehovah had heard my prayers for such encouragement. I had been told at pioneer school that even a broken clock is right twice a day and so I felt stuck, that Jehovah was answering my prayer and that maybe once I listened to his "counseling" he would move on to the encouragment. He took my explaining my situation as complaining against the elders when I was really trying to explain what had happened to get me in the situation I was in, that I had gone to the elders first, explaining that I needed help and got nothing but a few e-mails saying how great the meeting was, sorry we missed you - no scriptures were read, not prayers to help strengthen me. My submissiveness and lack of training in assertiveness led me to sit there and not say, "brother, I've studied, I've prayed, I've gone to the elders for help. None of that has helped me and I was hoping you, as a C.O. could offer me some encouragement. If you are not here to do that, please leave." But I did not have the sense to do that because at the time I thought that to turn him away would be turnign Jehovah away.

    Could you share your similar experiences, especially with this person. When he left he told me he heard "this" a lot. I'm not sure what "this" was but looking back, it seems he came with a preconceived belief about me- that I was a complainer, didn't want to hear anything contrary and yet did not follow the WT counsel to not dwell on negativity about the congregation if someone is complaining, but instead stick to scriptural and upbuilding conversation - he did not do that al all. I'm wondering how many people he has helped to give up going on in the "Truth."

    Thanks for your help.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    In 1976 I was sexually assaulted by my stepfather when I was fifteen. The elders said there was nothing they could do becauese it was his word against mine, and they forbade me to talk to anyone else about it.

    About three years ago I talked to a CO who claimed that the elders who had handled it had been wrong and that the society always reports accusations of child abuse to the authorities and always have.

    I told him that the elders had called the society for instructions, so obvioulsy they were following policy. But he refused to believe it.

    I described to him how horrible it was to sit by myself in a room with three old men firing sexually explicit questions at me. I said that that interrogation was a rape in itself and no young child should ever have to sit through that. I then asked, "is that still how they handle sexual abuse accusations?"

    He wouldn't look me in the eye, he looked away, hemmed, hawed, and mumbled "i'm not sure, I'll check into that"

    So he lied about that Society always reporting, either that or he doesn't have a clue as to how the society handles those matters, which i find hard to believe. And as far as the "I'm not sure comment", well he was obviously a little embarresed how the socieity handles it and is ashamed to admit it.

    Yep, fine christian he is.

  • WTWizard

    The major bad experience I have had with hounder-hounders is that they show contempt for people's time. They often run the boasting sessions way past time, and I have seen them take an hour and a half for a meeting just to go out in field circus. Needless to say, I didn't appreciate wasting 2 1/2 hours just to get one lousy hour of field circus.

  • leavingwt

    "Cults shoot their wounded." It's that simple. I'm sorry you were treated in this manner.

  • ataloa

    Oh, where do I start in even attempting a reply to your post?

    First of all Welcome to the board, startingovernow.

    I am not up for trying to tell my story, but I just want you to know that so much of your post sounds like me. I'm so sorry for what you've been through. My last talk with a c.o. was one of the final straws, but not exactly the last one.

    I learned a lot from that experience. One thing I started to realize is that they are mostly only interested in the numbers game and how many hours are put into field service. Also, they don't really keep up with their magazine reading.

    I, like you, always kept up with the reading, and would meditate on what I read and how it applied to real life and I would try to actually do it. There never was anyone else in my congregation that I could have a discussion with about any of it, because they hadn't read it (yet). So this last c.o. I talked to really didn't have any understanding of the principles back behind what the problem was or love itself.

    I didn't keep my cool, like you. By the time six months rolls around, I can work up quite an anger. I realize they are supposed to be trained to handle things like that, but my angry talk did not help my situation. (I did apologize to him later). So I gave up on the whole lie of shepherds to encourage us.

    It seems to be all politics and numbers. You would think they would want to encourage a pioneer, but it really just depends on who you are within the congregation, whether you are counted as valuable or not. I was another who 'came in all by myself' against massive opposition. But I never was really connected, because I was a nobody in the community.

    Now I have to say that my complaint was the things going on with the hateful elders in the congregation, so he was on the defensive, and that is probably why I wasn't helped. They just want to get rid of complainers; hence their incessant illustrations such as:

    If you fall down in the parking lot, are you just going to lie there complaining, or are you going to get up.

    It's always our fault, no matter what the complaint is.

    But I did talk to a different c.o. before this when I was just depressed, and he really did help me and encourage me, read a scripture with me, and all the things they are counseled to do. That is why I am a little puzzled, that if you were just ill, they would treat you like that; it makes me mad.

    I'm wondering how many people he has helped to give up going on in the "Truth."

    I don't know if you are all the way out, or what your situation is, but did you ever think that maybe all these horrible things that force us out the door are god's way of protecting us from further harm? I'm not saying that's what happened, but sometimes I think about that and wonder.

    You might want to post a separate introductory post so you can be properly welcomed. I am very glad to have you here, because I think we might have many similarities. I look forward to learning more about you.

  • ataloa
    "Cults shoot their wounded."

    Well said, leavingwt.

  • sacolton
    I thought that to turn him away would be turnign Jehovah away.

    Wow! Another brainwashed symptom. The organization has successfully (in their minds) replaced God, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit with men. When you put an organization on such a high position that it is equal to God then you know there is something wrong.

  • hillbilly

    I will leave his name out... but there is one CO who is on my short list of people I would shoot on sight.

    Yea... that bad.


  • startingovernow


    Thanks for your reply. I'm a bit confused about "God's way." I used to believe it was Jehovah who saw me searching for God and had Witnesses come my way. When the person who introduced me to the "Truth" decided not to continue (I never knew the reason why) I was told by those in the congregation that Jehovah must have been just using her to help me. After all I've been through "for Jehovah" I'm regretting my past decisions and beliefs. At this point I'm not sure there is a God looking out for my best interest.

    By the way, where will you be going when this board closes?

  • TMS


    As long as you believe Jehovah or God is involved, it all comes done to your unworthiness. Afterall his shepherds search for lost sheep. Their recovery is more important to him than the 99 who do not stray. So you must not be one. End of story.

    But once you realize that it's just a man-made religious organization interested in self-preservation, not appreciably better or worse than thousands of other religions, you will regret your unfortunate participation and move on.


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