What do you think about Evolution debates?

by rem 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • rem

    What do you think about Evolution debates?

    This is not going to be a thread about which theory is correct. I want to ask the board if anyone has actually found these discussions on Evolution to be beneficial to themselves. Have they taught you something that you didn’t know before? Or is it just the same people trying to get their side of the story across to one another with no benefit to the rest of the board?

    Admittedly this is a question mainly for the lurkers, so this post might not get many responses. But the reason I post this is to ask if all the time and effort we spend on this subject is just an exercise in futility, or do people actually learn from and/or enjoy these discussions?

    I’ll go first:

    These discussions helped me greatly when I was first out of the Org because of all of the anti-evolution propaganda that I had been force fed. It made me realize that, in the spirit of Proverbs 18:17, there is more than one side of the story and that I should get a more balanced viewpoint. Plus I was always really interested in science anyway, so these discussions were among my favorites on the old H2O board.

    Any other thoughts?


    "We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain
  • mommy

    I love them...lol I learn a bunch and when it gets to the name calling, I just have to laugh. At the beginning of the year I never paid attention to these threads though, throughout this year I have changed. I have to say they get mighty heated, and it is understandable.

    One side who accepts evolution has done alot of research on it. Most of the time there are a few antis who just have no clue what they are talking about, and it is quite obvious. I can understand the frustration of someone who is trying to show them facts, only to meet head on to a brick wall. On the other hand I see why they are hanging on to their beliefs, and perhaps if they did do the research then they can see that evolution is a fact. I know I hung on for a long time, and had a hard time accepting it as a fact.

    As pointed out before you can hold your belief in god and accept evolution. Well for a little while anyway Though most remain christians. Too many times this is brought up in the discussion, and it is a seperate entity, I think. Then it no longer is an evolution debate, but a chritian v/s atheism/agnostic debate.

    One reason I stay on the sidelines is I don't have all the terminology right at times, who does But that seems to be one thing that gets someone blown out of the water, and I am a delicate flower who bruises easily

    When I leave, you will know I have been here

  • siegswife

    Since I'm a regular lurker, I'll give you my opinion. I think that the discussions are great. I don't know alot about evolution and I find the information very thought provoking. I think it's great when people can discuss this subject without hostility and personal attacks.

  • patio34

    Hi Rem,

    Thanks for asking. These are my favorite discussions. For 28 years, I read only the WTS viewpoint. Last March, I decided to read the other side. IMO, this is the main issue.


  • VeniceIT

    Personally I prefer Prisca and Tina goin' at it, but that's just me


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • metatron

    In regard to creation/evolution issues, I wonder if any
    philosopher has ever argued that God's presence is affected
    by scale.

    Here in the "real world", I can accomplish a lot.
    Down at the microscopic level, intervention is pretty
    tough. Everything is too small and numerous. Maybe there
    is a Divinity that shapes our ends but only across vast
    expanses of time and distance.

    Hey, with that junk DNA and 'throwbacks' to past genetic
    code, what about freak cats that get born with "wings"?
    (Fortean Times).


  • Marilyn

    rem, I think they are great fun. I don't learn much from them though coz I'm too skeptical to read too much from the creationists viewpoint. Ya see it never did come down to evolution for me. It was more about how Jehovah God has handled things from the begining. A bit of a clutz IMO! I was left with evolution when I rejected God.


  • Tina

    I love these debates. They introduce me to scientific concepts I may not be real familiar with,hence a great learning experience!
    What I do is print these debates out,so I can give them quality quiet time before bed. I really need to thank you Jan,Abaddon. Are you gentlemen aware of the fact that you have wonderful teaching abilities? I enjoy the point by point breakdowns of certain concepts that have been rather confusing in the past from textbooks I've had.
    I should really gather up all my print-outs and create a new folder or book as I call them. have the Book of Norm already,:> and a few other peeps.
    Guess this one will be the Book of Jan Rem Abaddon and MC, et al. Thank you so much. I'm really grateful for the time effort and patience put into this! Better than any lectures etc.I had in college! Actually I'm often in awe at the brilliance of some of the posters here,especially on this topic.luv yas,Tina

    Vive Bene
    Spesso L'amore
    Di Risata Molto!!!

  • rem

    I was going to write a longer reply, but I started getting off track, and that would be going against my own rule of not saying which side is right. Darn! :)

    Anyway, I guess I'll say that I really enjoy Evolution threads when they stay on topic (when they don't vere into the existence of god question - even though I do also enjoy those debates). It's really refreshing when there are one or two that have honest questions. It's best when you can discuss a point an move on in a logical fashion instead of jumping around and shotgunning a whole bunch of unrelated objections.

    I have a lot of fun with them, but it does become exasperating at times (because I just always know I'm right lol).

    Creationists - you don't have to be shy. I wont bite. What is your goal for posting on these threads? What goes through your head when you respond? Have you really done a lot of research on this or do you just look up www.answersingenesis.org for the creationist views? I'm really curious. Is your aim truly objective truth, or do you just think that evolution is evil? Do you feel you or others benefit from these discussions?

    rem, biting his tongue

    "We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain
  • peaceloveharmony

    rem, i love the evolution threads and i thank everyone who takes the time to type out reasoned and informative posts. i never respond to those posts because you guys do such a better job at it than me :) i remember when i told my jw mom i believed in evolution. she didn't have much to say hehe. i had just taken a biology class my first year at college called "Evolutionary Perspectives" i was such a rebel ;) a funny thing, in highschool science classes, evolution really wasn't taught. we learned about dna, rna and stuff but the word evolution was never used. but in my ancient history class, we learned all about Lucy, cro-magnons, neanderthals. and that was the time we were studying the creation book at the book study. talk about opening my eyes. for some reason i believed my teacher over the wts book! and there was a kid in my class, a preacher's son, who tried to debate with my teacher. LOL, now that was funny. a 16 yr old who thought he knew it all verses my very smart history teacher. i just sat back and soaked it all in. then a couple years later in my science class, it all clicked :) i now had the courage to tell my mom about my new knowledge. anyway, sorry for the tangent there..lol

    thanks abbadon, rem, jan and mindchild (and others i know i'm missing) for the informative posts. i know it must get frustrating debating with people who cant seem to deal with facts but know that you do reach people and your posts really help. hell, it's been so long since i've studied evolution, your posts have done a great job re-educating me. thanks again!


    Most people think, Great God will come from the skies, Take away everything And make everybody feel high. But if you know what life is worth, You will look for yours on earth: And now you see the light, You stand up for your rights.~~Bob Marley

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