Hello Atheists......need advice

by wings 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I guess I'm agnostic.

    Maybe I'm an athiest in that I don't believe in the god of the Bible.

    Maybe I'm panthiest in that I believe that the divine exists in all of us.

    We are all divine.

    If God of the Bible shared his energy (energy cannot be created) with us when making us, that would mean that we are divine, as well. Or not.

  • marmot

    I live, I don't "believe" and defer my life for something else.

    I have faith that the sun will rise and that I will one day die, everything else is for me to figure out and experience.

  • wings

    gloobster, I should have worded the question differently, but I think you got the jest of it. Good alias btw. Nice to meet you.

    kitsune, very thoughtful post. Thank you and WELCOME! I look forward to getting to know you better.

    nvrgnbk, reality is hard for me to live within. I am learning to deal with it, and making life adjustments that feel right for me. Just my process. I am ready to live the rest of my life with unanswered questions. Actually like the idea of not knowing all the answers. But I agree that it is taxing on the psyche to try to keep it all in a mental container. Don't ever want to go there again. I don't consider atheist to be any more "know it alls'" than any other group of people. I have known many in my life, I think they are type A or something like that. They aren't a bad group, just need to not take them too seriously.


    Galileo, I have also gone through great loss for intellectual freedom from spiritual bondage. I agree that it has payed back more, and I am just getting started. You said you have faith in human potential. I like that. Very hard for me right now, but a good goal.

    LockedChoas, putting faith in me is incredibly hard. That is probably the most difficult part of this process for me. I understand, and I wish you the best.

    lonelysheep, I like your simple approach. Faith to me at this point means hoping in something that isn't manifested. I want to hope, I want to have faith, always.

    hillary_step, I agree. I am working towards adapting the perspective of living for now. A lifetime of living for tomorrows is hard to break. I want to use my hope in tomorrows to make my days more meaningful. Giving up hope doesn't seem right, neither does living for it. Obviously, I'm not there yet.

    Terry, I don't agree with everything you said, but you did hit the mark with me a couple of times.

    When faith takes over as your purpose in life you pass from having a life to wishing for a make-believe one.

    With make-believe you can have things any way you want--IN YOUR HEAD. But, you can't stay inside your own head.

    There is a real world. The more Faith and Belief and such take over your consciousness, the less competent you become at living in the real world and seeing things as they really are.

    in these few words you capsulized what is wrong with my life.

    THE HARDEST PART of getting well (in the psychological sense) is LETTING GO of that dreamy illusion of a dream world just up ahead that never gets here.

    it is hard, btw

    Replace make-believe thinking with data. Learn epistemology (in Philosophy). Get yourself a new toolbox.

    no way, but I will consider real life as a replacement. Also not ready to give up completely on hopes and dreams, just need to get them in perspective which isn't looking good right now. Epistemology.....???.....really?

    oompa, this world holds such beauty, to think of a designer makes sense. Then the questions begin to flow. Back to "blender head".

    changeling, faith seems to be a tool at this time in my life rather than a religious term. I just don't know how to use it. Or, I am afraid too.

  • PrimateDave

    "How do you deal with 'no faith'?"

    I feel like I'm slowly drifting. I guess I'm still looking for something to give me purpose and hope. Unfortunately, my current world view doesn't offer much reason for hope in the near term. I have no belief in divine intervention on Earth, yet troubled times are ahead, nevertheless. I know life will go on, but in a few decades at the most I'll be permanently oblivious to future developments.

    "What do you put faith in?"

    If I use the Hebrews chapter 11 definition of "faith", then I can't say I put "faith" in anything as I have no "assured expectation of things hoped for." I'm almost afraid to have expectations because they tend to end up in disappointment.

    "How was you transition from belief to non belief?"

    It was a process of disillusionment. Literally, I stripped away my illusions. It wasn't as bad as it sounds. Belief no longer worked for me, so I was ready for change. I grieved, and then I felt relief.

    "Does it bother you that others have faith in God, and why?"

    Maybe. It depends on what their faith motivates them to do. Many things helpful and harmful have been done in the name of god.

    "wings (honest questions, headed there myself)"

    No problem. Dave

  • shamus100

    How do you deal with "no faith"? I know of no other way to live. Once you've done it for a while, it becomes easier.

    What do you put faith in? Karma, good of humans. I firmly believe that the bible serves a purpose from creating complete anarchy. Once you realize that this is it, it can be a scary thing at first.

    How was you transition from belief to non belief? As other had mentioned, it took years.

    Does it bother you that others have faith in God, and why? No. We are all human, each with our own needs. If someone needs god, it's okay. In they're mind, they're 100% right. I accept that and never ever push my beliefs on them. Some people need alcohol and/or drugs to get them through the day. Religion is a much better alternative. I am absolutely not saying that people who have religious beliefs are below athiests - it's just what they're particular crutch is. And we all have them.

    It takes time, but look at things more logically than the old expression 'there just has to be a creator... look at (example like how beautiful mountains are). That's basing faith on emotion.

  • Mysterious

    Mysterious, you said:

    if you look at faith as lost you will forever be trying to deal with it...

    I don't feel as if it is lost, however, there is a void that I am having to deal with. Also, I seem to have some measure of respect for the role faith has had in my life, so I'm grieving rather than angry.

    Then that means you will one day move past that void wings. :)

  • beksbks

    How do you deal with "no faith"? Honestly haven't considered it. Never even enters my mind, I'm busy living.

    What do you put faith in? The basic goodness of humankind. That the one thing we can do with our time here, is make the journey easier for those we come in contact with. Kitsune you read my mind! Nearly word for word what I've been calling my "religion" for years. (we need to do lunch! Or maybe start our own church )

    "Humanity. We have a lot a problems, but a study of history shows that all that is going on is just the growing pains of a young civilization (this country) and a world coping with rapid change. Countries, religion, peoples; they all go through it and so far, have come out the other end okay. It starts one person at a time. People don't need religion to be moral, we know when we do something against nature, even the scriptures acknowledge that. I treat my fellow humans with respect because they are people like me. I respect the planet we live on and do my part to help keep it clean and healthy for the future generations and fellow man. Scientific discoveries are making religious belief look more and more archaic, the leftover myth of a species that couldn't explain rain, growing cycles, lunar/solar eclipses, and had to make up something that could. I put my faith in each person to, in their own time, realize this and make this world a better place."

    How was you transition from belief to non belief? I always likened the years after leaving the witness's to coming out of a dark cave. Suddenly real life and everything that goes with it was right there. I started to read and listen and discover things I never dreamed of (things other people seemed to take for granted by the way). The more I learned the less I felt that oppression, and fear, I quit feeling like I was being watched and judged. Then I began to believe that if there really was a god, he would be loving, and he would understand my feelings. Then before I even knew it, I didn't believe at all. Something like the stages of growing up that a child does. Does it bother you that others have faith in God, and why? The only time it bothers me, is when they try to push it on others, or feel unable to have a relationship with someone who doesn't. If it is something they constantly have to put between us.

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