smoking in uk?

by John Doe 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • waxtadpole

    This law seems to revolve only around second hand smoke, which is odd to me, because a much larger danger is the risk of being distracted because your were smoking and getting into an accident. The effects of second hand smoke are exagerated IMO. Every day when I turn on the news I hear about how some new product I am buying is actually killing me and my family. I think its a shame that the government has enough power to make wacky laws like this and the ban on smoking in bars. *puff* *puff*

  • SixofNine

    Hardly seems worth mentioning when my own country has tossed aside the Great Writ.

  • Mutz

    British bureaucrats make the Nazis look like amateurs, that's a fact.

  • Caedes


    So in what way are you liking the UK to nazi Germany? Making the comparison suggests a shocking lack of knowledge of the history of the Nazis as well as a complete ignorance of the freedom we enjoy in this country. Not being allowed to force your passengers into secondary smoking is hardly the same as extermination of ethnic populations is it?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Tell me Caedes, what freedoms do you enjoy?

  • Clam

    We have the freedom to emigrate.

  • Gopher
    British bureaucrats make the Nazis look like amateurs, that's a fact.

    No, it's not a "fact". It's an assertion. And it falls into the category of "Reductio ad Hitlerum" -- playing the Nazi card, which tends to distract from the discussion at hand and inspire angry and less reasoned responses.

  • amama2six

    "Not being allowed to force your passengers into secondary smoking is hardly the same as extermination of ethnic populations is it?"

    What the hell ever happened to your passenger simply saying, "Please don't smoke when I'm in the vehicle"???

    Of course this is not at ALL comparable to Nazi Germany but people REALLY need law enforcement speaking for them with regards to smoking (or asking someone NOT to smoke) in a private vehicle, now?

    If someone was a non-smoker riding in my van and I wanted to light up I would ASK THEM FIRST. I don't need police to give me a ticket based on the assumption that my non-smoking passenger might have been quietly offended by my habit. I'm sorry, but in my car I should be able to do as I please. And if I invited someone into my car they should feel comfortable enough to tell me my smoking would be offensive to them without an officer's help (and I should be kind enough to ask before lighting up). If neither is the case then they should not be in my car to begin with!!!

    I can take the smoking bans in public places...restaurants...even BARS (though this is a stretch for me)...but in my own CAR? HELL NO.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    The ban on smoking does not apply to private vehicles, only to work vehicles. If, as Mr Williams is asserting, his van is his private vehicle, then he has grounds to have the fine overturned.

    I have serious concerns about the level of surveillance and bureaucracy in my country, for example, legislation has already been passed that will oblige me to pay for an identity card linked to a national identity database. Bleating about one debatable example of laws designed to protect health distracts from far more important issues.

  • IP_SEC

    This comment is respectfully directed at 6o9 and Fegirl's comments.

    "This" is where "That" starts.

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